[PATCH v5 1/4] bsps/stm32f4 Include STM32F4 HAL

Karel Gardas karel at functional.vision
Sat Jul 30 19:41:19 UTC 2022

On 7/30/22 16:32, oss at c-mauderer.de wrote:
>>   bsps/arm/include/cmsis_compiler.h             |   266 +
>>   bsps/arm/include/cmsis_gcc.h                  |  3460 +--
>>   bsps/arm/include/cmsis_version.h              |    39 +
>>   bsps/arm/include/core_cm4.h                   |   524 +-
>>   bsps/arm/include/core_cm7.h                   |  5186 ++--
>>   bsps/arm/include/mpu_armv7.h                  |   270 +
> Are the cmsis files from the same source or directly from ARM?
> The cmsis_gcc.h has a lot of changes compared to the earlier version 
> that has been present in RTEMS. A lot of the changes seem to be 
> whitespace changes. Can these be avoided somehow (for example by using 
> dos2unix before overwriting the file)?
> In the discord chat there was one suggestion from Ho Kaido to move the 
> files one level down and make them BSP specific. I'm not sure whether 
> I'm for or against that idea. Advantage is that it makes BSPs 
> independant from each other. Disadvantage is that it duplicates code.
> I think I would try to avoid moving them down due to the code 
> duplication but it raises the question: Which BSPs use the files too and 
> did you try whether they still compile after the upgrade?

We have had this dicussion with Duc on discord IIRC when he started. He 
needed new CMSIS (v5) version due to new HAL which Duc claims depends on 
them. I have not verified that claim personally.

New CMSIS v5 brings obviously:

- by ARM maintained code (v4 is unmaintained IIRC)

but also:

- license change from BSD to Apache-2

At that time I've told Duc to continue with the code and not to worry 
about license changes -- as this would be longer discussion anyway. Not 
sure, but IIRC he also wrote to Sebastian asking for clarification -- 
well, not sure about that. Certainly IIRC I suggested that.

Anyway, I took Duc code and try H7 BSPs and to my surprise they compiles 
more or less all without any compilation related issue. Well, I've not 
tried M4 variants. So far I've not run full tester on this. I'll, but 
first I'd like to test his API if it's possible to also use with H7.

BTW: if RTEMS prefer old unmaintained BSD-3 ARM CSMIS code, then it's 
perhaps possible to go in F4 HAL history back and grab just the three 
with the v4 dependency. On the other hand, for ARM Apache-2 seems to be 
the way forward and for some ST.com depended code too -- so I guess 
RTEMS project will need to live with that fact somehow.


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