[PATCH] glossary: Add terms

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Tue Dec 19 08:00:06 UTC 2023

On 29.11.23 09:13, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> On 28.11.23 20:49, Andrew.Butterfield at scss.tcd.ie wrote:
>>     +    scenario
>>     +        In a setting that involves many concurrent tasks that
>>     interleave in arbitrary
>>     +        ways, a scenario describes a single specific possible
>>     interleaving.  One
>>     +        interpretation of the behaviour of a concurrent system is
>>     the set of all its
>>     +        scenarios.
>>     +
>> This doesn't cover the common use case of a test scenario which is 
>> usually
>> less about threading and more about values and using a set of methods in
>> a particular manner.
>> In the context in which Sebastian asked me for this entry, the term 
>> `scenario` is used as described above.
>> But you are right that there are nuances here. In the Promela/SPIN 
>> based test-generation work, each
>> counter example we get from SPIN describes a scenario as defined 
>> above, and we generate C test code
>> that reproduces that scenario, including the precise interleaving of 
>> the tasks as per  that scenario.
> The term scenario is used a lot in the formal verification chapter, so 
> it should have an entry. Joel, do you have a suggestion to improve the 
> wording?

I added an "In the context of formal verification, ..." to the term 
definition and checked it in.

embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG
Herr Sebastian HUBER
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email: sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
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