Cyclone 10 LP BSP

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Tue Nov 28 15:05:08 UTC 2023

On 28.11.23 01:19, Kirspel, Kevin wrote:
> I’m trying to create a BSP for a NIOS V/m running on a Cyclone 10 LP 
> Eval Kit.  The NIOS V/m is a rv32ia/ilp32 architecture so I had to patch 
> the RSB to add that multilib.  I have a Hello World app compiled but I 
> get exceptions when having the tick timer interrupt enabled.  So, I 
> disabled the tick timer interrupt and was able to get to the Init() 
> task.  When execution the hello world printf, I get another exception 
> related to puts_r in newlib.  The exception is occurring when trying to 
> load the address of _tls_stdout.  I traced this back to 
> THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE being enabled in newlib for the RISC V.  Does the 
> BSP have to do anything to setup thread local storage or does this 
> happen automatically when triggered?  The exception occurs after it 
> returns from __sinit which I guess is initializes the thread local storage.

On RISC-V this should work out of the box. Do you have your own BSP? 
Maybe a memory setup / linker script issue.

embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.huber at
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