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hi everybody,<br><br>as some of you already know i am currently working on the BeagleBoard BSP.<br><br>as for now RTEMS boots succesfully and the printk routine is working.<br><br>if anyone wants to replicate my setup here is a short guide on how to do that,<br>prequesite is a working arm-rtemseabi4.11 toolchain:<br><br>1. clone and build qemu-maemo:<br><br>git clone git://gitorious.org/qemu-maemo/qemu.git <br>cd qemu<br>./configure --target-list="arm-softmmu"<br>make<br><br>(thx for the great work to the maemo/meego team!)<br><br>2. clone and build rtems from my fork: <br><br>git clone git://github.com/claas/rtems.git<br>git checkout beagle<br>mkdir rtems-b<br>cd rtems<br>./bootstrap<br>cd ../rtems-b<br>../rtems/configure --target=arm-rtemseabi4.11 --disable-posix --disable-networking --disable-cxx --enable-rtems-debug --enable-rtemsbsp=beagle_mzx --prefix=PUT_YOUR_PREFIX_HERE<br>make<br>make install<br><br>3. clone my tools repository:<br><br>git clone git://github.com/claas/tools.git<br><br>4. build the hello_world example ( change the use of printf to printk, printf is not working as for now)<br><br>5. download the x-loader and uboot images from: http://qemu-omap3.googlecode.com/files/image-v0.01.tar.bz2<br><br>6. build the nand flash image, the script to do that is in the tools repo, the name is: build_nand.sh<br><br>./build_nand.sh NAME_OF_YOUR_EXECUTABLE OUTPUT_NAND_IMAGE<br>( you need to adapt the scrupt to your filesystem layout, sorry i was too lazy to make the scripts more general<br>yes, i will do that in the future)<br><br>7. boot up qemu: <br>qemu-system-arm -M beagle -mtdblock OUTPUT_NAND_IMAGE -serial stdio (add -s -S if you want to use gdb)<br><br>when the uboot promt shows up enter: <br>nand read 0x80800000 0x280000 0x400000<br>bootm 0x80800000<br><br>the magic numbers are as follows: 0x80800000 destination location to load the kernelimage, 0x28000 location of the<br>kernel image on the nand, 0x400000 size of data to load, this number certainly is too big, but it works for me...<br><br>you are done and should see a couple of "Hello world!" lines, congratulations!<br><br>you can check out the other helper scripts and files in the tools directory too...<br><br>I had to comment out a assertion in cpukit/libfs/src/imfs/imfs_readlink.c if anyone can tell me why and how i can revert<br>that, thank you in advance...<br><br>if you have any question or suggestions on how to improve this guide or the scripts or the build commands, let me know!<br>as always, feedback is appreciated!<br><br>and also please tell me where i should put this guide in the rtems wiki.<br><br>thank you and have fun trying it out...<br><br>greetz,<br><br>claas ziemke </div></body>