Hi, all.<br>I'm working on the test case of POSIX key under unlimited RTEMS tasks(the psxkey08 test in psxtest directory), that tests whether POSIX Key works when called by classic API under unlimited task configuration.<br>
I've done the similiar test case in POSIX API. They share a similiar workflow: in POSIX API test case(the psxkey07 test in psxtest directory), I use condition variable to do thread synchronization. My question is can I use POSIX condition variable in classic API(namely, in psxkey08)? If no, which manager in classic API should I choose to do the similiar work as condition variable?<br>
<br>BTW, I also use condition variable to do RTEMS task synchronization in my current implementation of psxkey08, and it seems also work. <br><br>My work has been push to github:<br><a href="https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/commits/one_rbtree">https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/commits/one_rbtree</a><br>
-- <br>Best wishes!<br>Zhongwei Yao<br><br>