Hi, all. <br>I have a problem about the _Objects_Open_u32
and _Objects_Close function (e.g They are called in key create[0] and key delete[1]). I find the description of _Objects_Open_u32() function
says: <br><br>"This function places the_object control pointer and object name in
the -Local Pointer- and -Local Name Tables-, respectively. "<br><br>It seems that it
is kind of registration operation, but when should I call these Object Open and Close function? I feel I should call it just after
_Object_Allocate() is called. E.g. in key create[0], the _Object_Allocate() is called in _POSIX_Keys_Allocate(). And I'm
also curious about what the -Local Pointer- and -Local Name Tables- is used
for.<br><br>links:<br>[0] <a href="https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/blob/POSIX_Key_review/cpukit/posix/src/keycreate.c" target="_blank">https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/blob/POSIX_Key_review/cpukit/posix/src/keycreate.c</a><br>
[1] <a href="https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/blob/POSIX_Key_review/cpukit/posix/src/keydelete.c">https://github.com/ashi08104/rtems/blob/POSIX_Key_review/cpukit/posix/src/keydelete.c</a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Best wishes!<br>
Zhongwei Yao<br><br>