<div dir="ltr">Hi<div><br></div><div style="">I added an Open Project page for Internet of Things support. This is a very broad category of buzzword bingo and covers everything from Bluetooth and 6LoWPAN to messaging protocols. It can be done on boards like the the Pi or BBB or smaller devices. </div><div style=""><br></div><div style=""><a href="https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings">https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings</a><br></div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">I do not want to focus this as another "Tiny RTEMS" effort but instead on providing the capabilities and packages that make a great IoT software infrastructure. Sure having PicoTCP or other packages targeted at small platforms helps in this regard but not all IoT devices are simple gadgets. The XMPP.org IoT messaging infrastructure should work on top of regular TCP/IP stacks and plug in to existing frameworks. </div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">The page is just a collection of ideas at this point. Help from the community is needed to identify some "typical application profiles" and what would be needed to implement those.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">Thanks.</div><div style=""><br></div><div style="">--joel</div></div>