path for make after configure

Vivek Vaid vaid at
Sat Jan 12 08:50:36 UTC 2002


While installing rtems, 
I faced a problem in running the 'make', after 'configure' was successful.
Changing the directory and running make worked fine later.

target=i386; host-os= redhat-6.2

the rtems sorce was untarred in ../src/rtems-4.5.0/
the build directory was  ../src/build/

the 'configure' command from the build directory works fine
(ie. ../rtems-4.5.0/configure ........ says "run make all to make all bsps
and so on.." at the end)

but running 'make' in build fails after 1 screen full of messages like
"nothing to do in .."

However, if i change directory to ../src/build/i386-rtems/c 
(which was formed after configure)
'make all' works fine
and make RTEMS_BSP="pc386" works too
and make install works too

Actually i faced this problem few months ago too, but didnt re-install
rtems anywhere since then, so i didnt ask about it.

Is there something i missed (the PATH was exported) so i had to change the
directories ? 
or the documentation needs to be updated ?

I am not sure whether i should bother the whole list for this thing.
(since its working fine). but then it would go in the archives ..


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