GDB 5.2 Line number out of range error

Derick Hammond derick at
Mon Mar 17 05:43:20 UTC 2003

Hello all:

I have recently started using the RTEMS v. 4.6.0pre1, and have spent a 
couple of days updating my tools, and bringing my Eval board BSP (M5206eC3) 
into the source tree.

However, when running:

     $m68k-bdm-rtems-gdb -x /opt/rtems/lib/gdbScripts/RTEMS5206.gdb hello.exe

and setting a break point on "bsp_cleanup" I get the following:

     Breakpoint 4 at 0x380aac: file 
line 150.

Even though this file is actually only 38 lines long.

Then when I "continue" within gdb I get:


     Breakpoint 4, bsp_cleanup () at 
line 150.
     Line number 150 out of range; 
has 38 lines.

Does anyone with more experience with GDB know of any reason why this would 
be occurring?

I compiled the m68k-bdm-rtems-gdb from:

     source: gdb-5.2.tar.gz

     RTEMS patches: gdb-5.2-rtems-base-20030211.diff

     Cybertech patch: gdb-5.2.1.patch

Thanks in advance.


Derick Hammond

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