Using RTEMS kernel on arm based board - bare bsp

xu ray at
Mon May 5 11:07:09 UTC 2008

BSP by default will not out put anything.
You serial port should get:

Hello World
press any key to restart

That is the same for all ARM ports, some BSP might output debug info when
loading driver. However, I believe yours does not. You might need to check
your console driver's code.

2008/5/5 Vinod Kulkarni <vinodk at>:

>  Hi,
>     My serial port settings are:
> Baud ¨C 115200
> Data ¨C 8
> Stop ¨C 1
> Parity ¨C None
> Hardware flow control ¨C None
> Software flow control ¨C None
> Could you please tell me what is the expected behavior (I have loaded
> hello.exe file)?
> Regards
> Vinod
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* xu ray [ at]
> *Sent:* Monday, May 05, 2008 2:09 PM
> *To:* vinodk at
> *Cc:* rtems-users at
> *Subject:* Re: Using RTEMS kernel on arm based board - bare bsp
> It is not the expected behavior.
> How about your serial port's setting, Rate/Nor/7bit.....
> 2008/5/5 Vinod Kulkarni <vinodk at>:
> Hi,
>     I am using arm based board (PXA255 based). I have built RTEMS kernel
> with bare bsp. I have my own boot-loader which is capable of loading the
> kernel. Once I load the kernel I am getting a dot (.) as the output. Could
> you please let me know whether this is the expected behavior?
> Regards
> Vinod
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> Ray, Xu
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Thanks & Best Regards!

Ray, Xu
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