`nfsInit` from the librtemsNfs.h file cannot be linked?

Eric Norum wenorum at lbl.gov
Tue Feb 2 22:22:55 UTC 2016

Libraries are searched in the order they appear on the command line — so you need to specify -lnfs *after* the object files which reference symbols in that library.

> On Feb 2, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Ben Dart <Ben.Dart at adept.com> wrote:
> I am trying to use the RTEMS NFS Client with a POWER PC on RTEMS 4.9.2. I know it is old, but unfortunately our company is not ready to upgrade yet. 
> ---- Our Design ----
> We don't expose the RTEMS command line in our program, so we would like to be able to use the nfs interface directly. The RTEMS libs provides librtemsNfs.h which contains functions for implementing nfs clients. The implementations for these functions are in nfs.c which is compiled to create 1 of 2 libs:
> -        libnfs.a
> -        nfs.rel
> Both are needed to build. As part of our code we are using the function nfsInit(... which is declared in librtemsNfs.h and defined in nfs.c.

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