<p>Hi ,<br>
Here with I am attaching config.log My $PATH is <font size="4" face="Times New Roman">.:/usr/local/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/h/RTEMS/msys/arm/bin</font> <br>
So according to Windows my directory for Arm tools is H:\RTEMS\msys\arm\bin<br>
<font size="4" face="Times New Roman">../configure --target=arm-rtems --disable-networking --disable-cxx --enable-rtemsbsp="en1" --prefix=/h/RTEMS/msys/arm/bin</font><br>
At worst I have copied all files of Arm Tools in current directory of build and also in MinGW bin <br>
In all cases when I am doing TAB it is finding the appropriate compiler files. What is the use of - - prefix then? <br>
According to documents that is used to locate tools directory. But I don't think so it has any effect.<br>
<i>(See attached file: config.log)</i><br>
> Hello,<br>
> <br>
> I am configuring RTEMS4.7.1 for Arm target through MINGW. I have <br>
> downloaded appropriate compilers from RTEMS ftp. I have also tested <br>
> arm-rtems4.7-gcc.exe and it is generating .o and .S file. I have also <br>
> exported proper PATH.<br>
> <br>
Did you test this in a cmd.exe box or the MSYS shell ?<br>
> I am giving address of the directory which contains arm tools through - <br>
> - prefix. Though I could not able to configure. I am getting error that<br>
> error: No acceptable C compiler found in $PATH<br>
> <br>
> Could you please point me the problem?<br>
> <br>
It will be the PATH variable. Configure needs a valid path set.<br>
Could you please send me the config.log and the PATH variable.<br>