<p>Thanks for your comments!</p><p>Quoting Joel Sherrill
<joel.sherrill@oarcorp.com>:<br />
<br />
> Kliakhandler Kosta wrote:<br />
>><br />
>> Hello,<br />
>><br />
>> I'm interested in working on RTEMS for Google summer of code. I'm <br
>> particularly interested in working on tinyRTEMS and porting it to <br
>> an lpc2138 board (which I posseess). I never used it (RTEMS), but I
<br />
>> am developing an application on the mentioned board and although I
<br />
>> didn't plan to use an rtos yet, the project will in general benefit
<br />
>> from it.<br />
>><br />
> OK. There has been a lot of discussion on TinyRTEMS this week so I<br />
> am not going to repeat any of that. It's Friday and I am tired.
:)</p><p>I joined the list only a couple of days ago so I didn't see it, but I
will definitely take a read it when I find the archives... (while writing this
email I found it :)</p><p><br />
><br />
> Some suggestions. You are proposing an lpc2138 BSP. So I see<br />
> a few obvious tasks in your proposal:<br />
><br />
> + BSP for real hardware<br />
> + BSP runs on Skyeye simulator<br />
></p><p>AFAIK skyeye doesn't run lpc21xx yet - if so, that will probably be
another task.. I haven't worked with skyeye either yet - Is there a significant
difference (for rtems or otherwise) for code which runs on skyeye as opposed to
code which runs on HW?</p><p><br />
> From a TinyRTEMS perspective, there are lots of ideas and you will have
to<br />
> decide which tickle your fancy. How much memory is available on your<br />
> target hardware?</p><p>I'm thinking about what I want to do right now. I
was hoping for some guidance about which features seemed most useful to the
developers.</p><p><br />
> Do you have any display option? If so, consider adding
Microwindows/Nano-X<br />
> support to your proposal.</p><p>I have an lcd character screen - I don't
know whether it qualifies as a "display", but I certainly will
consider it.<br />
>><br />
>> If possible, I would like some guidence regarding what is <br />
>> important, times, and general advice regarding writing a proposal <br
>> for this project.<br />
>><br />
> The student proposal deadline is approaching soon but you still have
time<br />
> to make a proposal. I think there are guidelines at the SOC site on
what<br />
> outline to follow. SOC has a schedule and your proposal should track
that<br />
> with activities in stages that make sense based upon that.</p><p>I realized
that - I meant it in an rtems centric way.. I realise that times for developing
the various projects differ between developers, but I was hoping for some
suggestions on the projects to take, so that my proposal wouldn't turn out
unacheivable due to a massive amount of work on the one hand, or
"unsatisfactory" because I proposed things which were too small... I
guess what's left to do is to write a proposal and hope I'll have time to revise
it according to suggestions...<br />
><br />
> Maybe one of the others can post some helpful links.<br />
>><br />
>> Thanks in advance,<br />
>> Kosta.<br />
>><br />
>> -- <br />
>> Kliakhandler Kosta.<br />
>> Website: <a target="_blank"
href="http://www.kosta.tk">http://www.kosta.tk</a><br />
>><br />
><br />
><br />
> -- <br />
> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D. Director of Research &
Development<br />
> joel.sherrill@OARcorp.com On-Line Applications Research<br />
> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS Huntsville AL 35805<br />
> Support Available (256) 722-9985<br />
<br />