<p>Hi all:<br> Is anybody found that there maybe problem with "struct m_hdr" in rtems 4.9. </p>
<p>struct m_hdr {<br> struct mbuf *mh_next; /* next buffer in chain */<br> struct mbuf *mh_nextpkt; /* next chain in queue/record */<br> caddr_t mh_data; /* location of data */<br> int mh_len; /* amount of data in this mbuf */<br>
int mh_flags; /* flags; see below */<br> short mh_type; /* type of data in this mbuf */<br>};</p>
<p>"int mh_flags" should changed to "short mh_flags". Because sizeof(struct m_hdr) should be 20Bytes in FreeBSD. however sizeof(struct m_hdr) are 24Bytes in Rtems. I don't know wheather it is a bug. but this indeed a question. thanks!</p>
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