Hi everyone,<br><br>I am a computer Science and Engineering student from Nepal, and I have been exploring about RTEMS lately. In this course, I have been through the how-tos and installation guides for RTEMS on Ubuntu (which runs on my system), but to my disaapointment I found out that it runs only in Fedora/RedHat based distros. Also, while I did find the virual machines having fedora and RTEMS installed, the fedora version it runs is no longer supported.<br>
Therefore, I would like to request you all to provide me with valueable guidance regarding the installation of RTEMS on my system( running Ubuntu 11.10).<br>-- <br>Aishraj Dahal<br>Bachelor's of Technology<br>Computer Science and Engineering<br>
National Institute of Technology Warangal<br>India<br><br>