<div style="line-height:1.7;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:arial"> Hi all,<br><br>During I debugging the RTEMS with QEMU, if I issue the command "system_reset", the QEMU quit.<br>The steps like this:<br><br> cd ~/development/rtems/4.11/qemu-img<br> source run-qemu.sh <br> <br> /***************** run-qemu.sh looks like this ************/<br> #!/bin/sh<br> qemu -m 128 \<br> -boot a \<br> -fda rtems-boot.img \<br> -hda hda.img \<br> -hdb fat:. \<br> -serial stdio \<br> -no-reboot \<br> -s<br> /******************************************************************/<br><br> grub><br> set root=(hd1,0)<br> multiboot (hd1,0)/hello.exe<br> boot<br> <br> ddd --debugger i386-rtems4.11-gdb hello.exe<br>
target remote localhost:1234<br> break bootcard.c : boot_card<br><br> // the above step seems all OK, I can debug it step by step, but I can't see how the function bootcard.c : boot_card() executing process<br> // I want to reboot the program and let the code run into boot_card()<br> <br> ctrl-alt-2 // enter into qemu command line<br> (qemu)> system_reset<br> <br> // after I execute the system_reset command, the qemu quit, and the gdb disconnect<br> <br> <pre>Could you tell me how I can enter into the function boot_card() and debug it step by step with qemu ?<br></pre><br> Regards,<br> Jeremy<br></div><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span id="netease_mail_footer"></span></span>