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<TITLE>RE: rtems source builde git repository</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Hello Chris,<BR>
fetching tar files works now but our rtems git tree not:<BR>
hoefle@wheezy:~/projects/customers/unibern/cassis/clone/source_build_test/rtems-source-builder/rtems$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=$TOOLCHAIN_DIR/4.10-sparc.log --prefix=$TOOLCHAIN_DIR --no-clean 4.10/rtems-sparc-gr.bset<BR>
RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, v0.4.0<BR>
Build Set: 4.10/rtems-sparc-gr.bset<BR>
config: devel/expat-2.1.0-1.cfg<BR>
package: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1<BR>
building: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-1<BR>
config: tools/rtems-binutils-2.20.1-1.cfg<BR>
package: sparc-rtems4.10-binutils-2.20.1-1<BR>
warning: binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2: no hash found<BR>
warning: binutils-2.20.1-rtems4.10-20100826.diff: no hash found<BR>
building: sparc-rtems4.10-binutils-2.20.1-1<BR>
config: tools/rtems-gcc-4.4.7-newlib-1.18.0-1.cfg<BR>
package: sparc-rtems4.10-gcc-4.4.7-newlib-1.18.0-1<BR>
warning: gcc-core-4.4.7.tar.bz2: no hash found<BR>
warning: gcc-core-4.4.7-rtems4.10-20120314.diff: no hash found<BR>
warning: newlib-1.18.0.tar.gz: no hash found<BR>
warning: newlib-1.18.0-rtems4.10-20110518.diff: no hash found<BR>
warning: mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2: no hash found<BR>
warning: mpc-0.8.1.tar.gz: no hash found<BR>
warning: gmp-5.0.5.tar.bz2: no hash found<BR>
building: sparc-rtems4.10-gcc-4.4.7-newlib-1.18.0-1<BR>
config: tools/rtems-gdb-7.3.1-1.cfg<BR>
package: sparc-rtems4.10-gdb-7.3.1-1<BR>
warning: gdb-7.3.1.tar.bz2: no hash found<BR>
warning: gdb-7.3.1-rtems4.10-20120918.diff: no hash found<BR>
building: sparc-rtems4.10-gdb-7.3.1-1<BR>
config: tools/rtems-kernel-4.10-1.2.14-gr.cfg<BR>
package: sparc-rtems4.10-kernel-4.10-1<BR>
error: malforned URL: git.nanotronic:rtems.git?reset=hard?pull?branch=gr-4.10<BR>
See error report: rsb-report-sparc-rtems4.10-kernel-4.10-1.txt<BR>
error: malforned URL: git.nanotronic:rtems.git?reset=hard?pull?branch=gr-4.10<BR>
Build Set: Time 0:05:48.729840<BR>
This is how the rtems source was set up:<BR>
%source set rtems git.nanotronic:rtems.git?reset=hard?pull?branch=gr-4.10<BR>
Does rtems-source-builder still work with a git repository via ssh?<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: Chris Johns [<A HREF="mailto:chrisj@rtems.org">mailto:chrisj@rtems.org</A>]<BR>
Sent: Tue 12/08/2014 05:05<BR>
To: Hoefle Marco; users@rtems.org<BR>
Subject: Re: rtems source builde git repository<BR>
On 12/08/2014 8:14 am, Chris Johns wrote:<BR>
> On 11/08/2014 8:17 pm, Hoefle Marco wrote:<BR>
>> However I wanted to have a look how the other builds are working. Thus I<BR>
>> checked out the latest commit from 2014-08-09<BR>
>> sb: Add INI format output to the reports.<BR>
>> The INI format report is a way to export a configuration.<BR>
>> There I wanted to build the normal sparc toolchain + rtems Kernel before<BR>
>> I proceed with our gaisler patched rtems git tree:<BR>
> Ouch. I have broken something while adding INI file support. I will take<BR>
> a look and fix this. Sorry about this.<BR>
I have fixed this issue so please update and try again.<BR>