Some bugs in latest RTEMS

Круглов Сергей skruglov at
Mon May 25 11:54:12 UTC 2015

I found some bugs:
1. In imfs_memfile.c
function IMFS_memfile_extend
block declared: unsigned int   block, and after block— work incorrect (if 
block = 0).
for ( ; block>=old_blocks ; block-- ) {
  IMFS_memfile_remove_block( memfile, block );
Must be declare int block;
2. If I configure rtems with USE_TICKS_FOR_STATISTICS=1
Incorrect work function  RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void 
_Thread_Update_cpu_time_used in file threadimpl.h
_Timestamp_Add_to( &executing->cpu_time_used, &ran );
, but cpu_time_used – int32_t
Must be:
  _Timestamp_Add_to( &executing->cpu_time_used, &ran );
  executing->cpu_time_used += _Timestamp_To_ticks(&ran);

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