RTEMS | Change stack checker reporter function signature (#5124)

Mohamed Hassan (@Hamzi) gitlab at rtems.org
Thu Aug 29 20:43:11 UTC 2024

Mohamed Hassan created an issue: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5124

## Summary
RTEMS currently provides two stack checker reporters (default/quiet and detailed), with the option for user-defined reporters. Given that these reporters are now public functions, I propose modifying the signature of the stack checker reporter from`void rtems_stack_checker_reporter(const Thread_Control *running, bool pattern_ok);` to accept a single `rtems_stack_checker_info` structure. This change will enhance abstraction and encapsulate details that are unnecessary for the user to manage. Please refer to [stackchk.h](https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/blob/main/cpukit/include/rtems/stackchk.h?ref_type=heads) and this [remark](https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/prequal/rtems-central/-/merge_requests/4#note_111292).

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5124
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