Documentation | Document keeping mirrors updated (#19)

Amar Takhar (@amar) gitlab at
Mon Jul 15 17:52:16 UTC 2024

Amar Takhar created an issue:

Assignees: Amar Takhar, Chris Johns, and Gedare Bloom

## Summary

Keeping forked repos and branches within those repos is a real pain and can be easily forgotten.

GitLab allows the ability -- which the RTEMS Project has enabled the feature of repository mirroring it does increase load to the instance however.


With this you can automatically keep your forks updated. RTEMS does not allow direct pushing to repositories so the flow is always:

graph TD
A(RTEMS Repository)
-->B(Repository Mirroring)
-->C[/Forked Repository\]

The branches you keep on your forked repo will remain intact but your forked repo will always be up-to-date.

@chris made a summary of what to do on \`#gitlab-support\` on Discord.

1. Select the fork in your personal area
2. Left side at the bottom select Settings then Repository
3. Expand Mirroring Repositories then click Add
4. The Repository URL is the upstream repo's HTTPS Code button URL
5. Select Pull and leave the Username and Password empty.
6. Click Mirror Repository

## Steps to reproduce

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