RTEMS Source Builder | Update gdb version on rtems 5 (!38)

Amar Takhar (@amar) gitlab at rtems.org
Tue Jul 16 23:46:21 UTC 2024

Amar Takhar commented on a discussion: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/merge_requests/38#note_109402

Agreed on the documentation but my thought process is anyone using RTEMS 5 will be using modern machines.  If they are in a situation where they have to carefully maintain an already active instance of RTEMS 5 then they will want to keep their build environment the same.  We are only a year or two away from every major UNIX system killing Python 2.  FreeBSD already has and some Linux distributions.

If your system is that critical you'll be hand applying patches to RTEMS and not updating your build environment anyway.  

I'm of the mind we should support users who work on modern systems but need older versions of RTEMS.  Also killing Python 2 across the board will be a _massive_ help to us.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/merge_requests/38#note_109402
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