RTEMS | Lowercase all directories and files in source. (#5080)

Amar Takhar (@amar) gitlab at rtems.org
Tue Jul 30 04:32:22 UTC 2024

Amar Takhar commented: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5080#note_110222

This change isn't going to happen anytime soon if at all because the includes also rely on the file case.  It's not worth making a sweeping change like this with too much uncertainty.

At the very least I hope we can get a policy that does not introduce files that does not introduce more files or at least has a justification such as they come from upstream.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5080#note_110222
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