Central | Various updates (!2)

Sebastian Huber (@sebhub) gitlab at rtems.org
Wed Jun 26 07:09:40 UTC 2024

Sebastian Huber commented on a discussion on spec/spec/build-action.yml: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/prequal/rtems-central/-/merge_requests/2#note_108107

 >          spec-type: none
 >        assert-in-set:
 >          description: |
 > -          The action asserts that the action value is the attribute value set.
 > +          The action asserts that the action value is in the attribute value

It should be clear from the context. The change is already in rtems-docs.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/prequal/rtems-central/-/merge_requests/2#note_108107
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