RTEMS | Release notes needed from "Improve event record handling" (#5148)

Gedare Bloom (@gedare) gitlab at rtems.org
Sat Nov 9 19:48:46 UTC 2024

Gedare Bloom created an issue: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5148

Assignee: Sebastian Huber

The following discussion from !282 should be addressed:

- [ ] @gedare started a [discussion](https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/merge_requests/282#note_114006):  (+2 comments)

    > The API changes I noticed:
    > - new function `rtems_record_fetch_recommended_item_count()`
    > - new function `rtems_record_fetch_initialize()`
    > - new function `rtems_record_fetch()`
    > - new structure `rtems_record_fetch_control`
    > - new type (enum) `rtems_record_fetch_status`
    > - structure name change `uptime` to `rtems_record_client_uptime` (this is an improvement to avoid polluting the global namespace)
    > - return type change for `rtems_record_client_init`
    > - increment the `RTEMS_RECORD_THE_VERSION` with associated restructuring of the `rtems_record_event` structure
    > And the deprecated and obsoleted call:
    > - `rtems_record_drain`
    > - `rtems_record_writev`
    > It is unusual to directly deprecate and obsolete an API call, but, it seems this function was not documented and was not being used by the external tooling, so I'm willing to let that slide. It should still be noted and treated as a deprecation, even if it was a "hidden interface" just on the chance someone happened to be using it for something.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/issues/5148
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