Documentation | Finding a place for LibBSD and other Package Documentation (#35)

Christian Mauderer (@c-mauderer) gitlab at
Sun Oct 6 09:12:19 UTC 2024

Christian Mauderer created an issue:

## Finding a place for LibBSD and other Package Documentation

During a discussion on discord, I noted that I don't know a good place where I can put information for LibBSD.

RTEMS has a number of add-on packages:

At the moment, the documentation for these packages is handled on a per package basis. Most packages (like LibBSD or lwIP) use a README in the repository. Only the legacy network stack has its own manual on

How do we want to handle such add-on packages?
- A separate manual for each one?
- A collected packages manual?
- READMEs (or a documentation directory) in the package repo?

I would have a collected manual for all packages:
1. The RTEMS project decided to split documentation from code quite a while back and therefore we have a separate documentation repo. As a user, I would expect that this repo contains all relevant information and that I don't have to check READMEs in the packages.
2. Adding a new manual for each package needs a lot more knowledge and effort than just adding a new chapter in an existing manual. I'm usually lazy, and I think that's more or less true for most humans. So I would expect that we get more documentation for new packages if we lower the hurdle to add it.

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