Integration | Choosing an RBSP. (#12)

Amar Takhar (@amar) gitlab at
Thu Sep 12 00:07:52 UTC 2024

Amar Takhar created an issue:

Assignee: Amar Takhar

For CI and in general we are going to have a new concept an RBSP or "Reference BSP"

This BSP will always:

1. Build
2. Run under a simulator quickly
3. Have available hardware that is easily purchase off the shelf
4. All tests pass both under simulator and under hardware

For now this will most likely be `leon3+sis simulator` We do not have hardware for the leon3 but the sis simulator is extremely fast and the BSP builds fast.

Eventually we would like to move to `<insert BSP> + sis simulator + BBB Board`

We will need to figure out which combination for RISCV will be suitable.

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