RTEMS Source Builder | Follow-up from "rtems/config: Rename 8 to edge" regarding alteration of the stable tools directory structure (#94)

Kinsey Moore (@opticron) gitlab at rtems.org
Sat Feb 15 01:32:17 UTC 2025

Kinsey Moore created an issue: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/94

Assignee: Kinsey Moore

The following discussion from !127 should be addressed:

- [ ] @chris started a [discussion](https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/merge_requests/127#note_119902):  (+11 comments)

    > This change removes the `7` tool prefix and that would bring a lot of churn as well as breaking the promise of compatibility across releases. Sure the major version number changes across releases but that will be scripted by now. I can see this removes all numbers but are we sure we want that? I am not sure I am.

If any renaming of the version's tools away from the `%{rtems_version}/` prefix in the directory structure is to occur, this change must still support referencing the current/stable tools version using the major version number as the prefix instead of whatever is chosen to replace it. This is considered a global interface to the RSB and must be preserved. It is in use by rtems-deployment and likely by user build sets that exist outside of anything RTEMS developers control.

As for the background as to why this change is desirable, moving the directory structure from `%{rtems_version}/` prefix to something static prevents file churn when major releases happen. Some of this churn has already been alleviated by moving `%{rtems_version}+1/` to `edge/` and making the edge tools build as the same version as the stable tools.

At the moment, the remaining churn on major version releases for RSB comes from updating BSP vertical stack references, updating internal references to semi-global files, renaming of the files themselves, and updating the version number in version.py. Of these, ideally only the change to version.py would remain.

Any solution must preserve the global interface specified above.

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/94
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