RTEMS Source Builder | Tooling Support Needed to Ease Updates to RSB Bset files (#80)

Joel Sherrill (@joel) gitlab at rtems.org
Fri Jan 24 21:27:03 UTC 2025

Joel Sherrill created an issue: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/80

Assignee: Chris Johns

## Summary

Currently, RSB bset versions are updated manually. Scripting to automate/ease updating would be appreciated. There are two use cases for the core tooling;

1. Stable tooling based primarily on released versions - For example, an update for rtems 7 tooling from GDB 15.2 to 16.1 involved manually editing the 15.2 references and updating the sha512 hash where appropriate.
2. Test tooling based primarily on development versions - For example, the hashes on rtems 8 tooling.

The bsets for rtems 8 rely on a variety of files having hashes which need to be updated periodically. Some of these hashes are for the development head, while others are hashes for various development branches. The configurations which need to have hashes periodically updated are currently:

- rtems-gdb-head.cfg
- rtems-binutils-2.36.cfg
- rtems-gdb-10.cfg
- rtems-gcc-head-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-10-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-12-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-13-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-*-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gdb-head.cfg
- rtems-binutils-2.36.cfg
- rtems-gdb-10.cfg
- rtems-gcc-head-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-10-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-12-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-13-newlib-head.cfg
- rtems-gcc-*-newlib-head.cfg

It is possible that some of these are used by configurations which can be removed now that rtems 6 is released. But that clean up is another challenge.

In either case, there needs to be a way to easily update these. 

What frequency should the leading edge tools be updated and what test expectations are required before they are changed is another discussion entirely.

### Pre-set options

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/tools/rtems-source-builder/-/issues/80
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