[rtems-test] i386/pc686: RTEMS_DEBUG, RTEMS_POSIX_API: Passed:585 Failed:4 Timeout:22 Test-Too-long:1 Invalid:4 Wrong:0

chrisj at rtems.org chrisj at rtems.org
Sun Oct 8 10:02:53 UTC 2023

Testing time     : 3:39:50.082078
Average test time: 0:00:20.969924

FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-p2-amd64-64bit-ELF (FreeBSD ruru 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64 amd64)

Tools  : 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)


Passed:        585
Failed:          4
User Input:      5
Expected Fail:   5
Indeterminate:   0
Benchmark:       3
Timeout:        22
Test too long:   1
Invalid:         4
Wrong Version:   0
Wrong Build:     0
Wrong Tools:     0
Wrong Header:    0
Total:         629

User Input:
Expected Fail:
Test too long:

RTEMS Testing - Tester, 6.0.not_released
 Command Line: /opt/work/rtems/6/bin/rtems-test --rtems-bsp=pc --mail --log=pc.txt build/i386/pc686/testsuites
 Host: FreeBSD ruru 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64
 Python: 3.9.15 (main, Oct 22 2022, 01:13:09) [Clang 13.0.0 (git at github.com:llvm/llvm-project.git llvmorg-13.0.0-0-gd7b669b3a
Host: FreeBSD-13.1-RELEASE-p2-amd64-64bit-ELF (FreeBSD ruru 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64 amd64)
[  1/629] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dhrystone.exe
 <<skipping passes>>
[ 90/629] p:86  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:0   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl01.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:50.908978 dl01.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl01.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 1
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 1 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] load: /dl01-o1.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 1
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 91/629] p:86  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:1   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl02.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.047386 dl02.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl02.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 2
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 2 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] load: /dl02-o1.o
] handle: 0x15c930 has unresolved externals
] load: /dl02-o2.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 2
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 92/629] p:86  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:2   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl03.exe
[ 93/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:2   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl04.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.221165 dl04.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl04.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 4
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 4 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] rtl: alloc: new: SYMBOL addr=0x1514c8 size=384
] rtl: archive: open: /etc/libdl.conf
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15166c size=16
] rtl: alloc: new: EXTERNAL addr=0x1516a0 size=7180
] rtl: unresolv: block-alloc 0x1516a0 (0x166730)
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x1532d0 size=2048
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x153af4 size=2048
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x154318 size=2048
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x154b3c size=2048
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x155360 size=192
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x155444 size=13
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x155478 size=2
] rtl: alloc: new: SYMBOL addr=0x1554a4 size=17920
] rtl: archive: config load: /etc/libdl.conf
] rtl: archive: no config: /etc/libdl.conf
] rtl: loading '/dl04-o4.o'
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159ac8 size=11
] rtl: alloc: del: OBJECT addr=0x159ac8
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159af8 size=192
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159bdc size=11
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159c0c size=11
] rtl: section header:  0: offset=4080
] rtl: section:  0: name= type=0 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  1: offset=4120
] rtl: section:  1: name=.text type=1 flags=00000006 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  2: offset=4160
] rtl: section:  2: name=.data type=1 flags=00000003 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  3: offset=4200
] rtl: section:  3: name=.bss type=8 flags=00000003 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  4: offset=4240
] rtl: section:  4: name=.text._Z3bazv type=1 flags=00000006 link=0 info=0
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159c3c size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159c94 size=14
] rtl: sect: add: 4 : .text._Z3bazv (1) 0x00002049
] rtl: section header:  5: offset=4280
] rtl: section:  5: name=.text.func type=1 flags=00000006 link=0 info=0
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159cc8 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159d20 size=11
] rtl: sect: add: 5 : .text.func (1) 0x00002049
] rtl: section header:  6: offset=4320
] rtl: section:  6: name=.debug_info type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  7: offset=4360
] rtl: section:  7: name=.rel.debug_info type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=6
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159d50 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159da8 size=16
] rtl: sect: add: 7 : .rel.debug_info (488) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header:  8: offset=4400
] rtl: section:  8: name=.debug_abbrev type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header:  9: offset=4440
] rtl: section:  9: name=.debug_loclists type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 10: offset=4480
] rtl: section: 10: name=.rel.debug_loclists type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=9
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159ddc size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159e34 size=20
] rtl: sect: add: 10: .rel.debug_loclists (64) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header: 11: offset=4520
] rtl: section: 11: name=.debug_aranges type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 12: offset=4560
] rtl: section: 12: name=.rel.debug_aranges type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=11
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159e6c size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159ec4 size=19
] rtl: sect: add: 12: .rel.debug_aranges (24) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header: 13: offset=4600
] rtl: section: 13: name=.debug_rnglists type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 14: offset=4640
] rtl: section: 14: name=.rel.debug_rnglists type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=13
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159efc size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159f54 size=20
] rtl: sect: add: 14: .rel.debug_rnglists (16) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header: 15: offset=4680
] rtl: section: 15: name=.debug_line type=1 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 16: offset=4720
] rtl: section: 16: name=.rel.debug_line type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=15
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159f8c size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x159fe4 size=16
] rtl: sect: add: 16: .rel.debug_line (48) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header: 17: offset=4760
] rtl: section: 17: name=.debug_str type=1 flags=00000030 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 18: offset=4800
] rtl: section: 18: name=.debug_line_str type=1 flags=00000030 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 19: offset=4840
] rtl: section: 19: name=.comment type=1 flags=00000030 link=0 info=0
] rtl: section header: 20: offset=4880
] rtl: section: 20: name=.eh_frame type=1 flags=00000002 link=0 info=0
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a018 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a070 size=10
] rtl: sect: add: 20: .eh_frame (64) 0x00002064
] rtl: section header: 21: offset=4920
] rtl: section: 21: name=.rel.eh_frame type=9 flags=00000040 link=22 info=20
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a0a0 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a0f8 size=14
] rtl: sect: add: 21: .rel.eh_frame (16) 0x00002112
] rtl: section header: 22: offset=4960
] rtl: section: 22: name=.symtab type=2 flags=00000000 link=23 info=11
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a12c size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a184 size=8
] rtl: sect: add: 22: .symtab (208) 0x00000256
] rtl: section header: 23: offset=5000
] rtl: section: 23: name=.strtab type=3 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a1b0 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a208 size=8
] rtl: sect: add: 23: .strtab (25) 0x00000512
] rtl: section header: 24: offset=5040
] rtl: section: 24: name=.shstrtab type=3 flags=00000000 link=0 info=0
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a234 size=52
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a28c size=10
] rtl: sect: add: 24: .shstrtab (224) 0x00000512
] rtl: sym:elf:0    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:0 :STT_NOTYPE sect:0     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:1    name:1   : dl04-o4.cc          : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:4 :STT_FILE   sect:65521 size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:2    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:4     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:3    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:5     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:4    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:6     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:5    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:8     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:6    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:9     size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:7    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:13    size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:8    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:15    size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:9    name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:17    size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:10   name:0   :                     : bind:0 :STB_LOCAL    type:3 :STT_SECTION sect:18    size:0     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:11   name:12  : _Z3bazv             : bind:1 :STB_GLOBAL   type:2 :STT_FUNC   sect:4     size:1     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:11   name:12  : _Z3bazv             : global
] rtl: sym:elf:12   name:20  : func                : bind:1 :STB_GLOBAL   type:2 :STT_FUNC   sect:5     size:1     value:0
] rtl: sym:elf:12   name:20  : func                : global
] rtl: alloc: new: SYMBOL addr=0x15a2bc size=53
] rtl: sym:add:11   name:12  : _Z3bazv             : bind:1  type:2  val:0        sect:4   size:1
] rtl: sym:add:12   name:20  : func                : bind:1  type:2  val:0        sect:5   size:1
] rtl: relocation: .rel.eh_frame, syms:.symtab
] rtl: rel tramp: sym: L:(null)(2)=00000000 type:2 off:00000020
] rtl: rel tramp: sym: L:(null)(3)=00000000 type:2 off:00000034
] rtl: alloc: lock
] rtl: alloc: new: READ addr=0x15a318 size=68
] rtl: alloc: new: READ_EXEC addr=0x15a380 size=33
] rtl: alloc sect: text  - b:0x15a380 s:33 a:16
] rtl: alloc sect: tramp - b:0 s:0 a:4
] rtl: alloc sect: const - b:0 s:0 a:0
] rtl: alloc sect: eh    - b:0x15a318 s:68 a:4
] rtl: alloc sect: data  - b:0 s:0 a:0
] rtl: alloc sect: bss   - b:0 s:0 a:0
] rtl: locating section: mask:00000001 base:0x15a380
] rtl: locating: 0: .text._Z3bazv -> 0x15a380 (s:1 f:0801 a:16 l:00)
] rtl: locating: 1: .text.func -> 0x15a390 (s:1 f:0801 a:16 l:00)
] rtl: locating section: mask:00000002 base:0
] rtl: locating section: mask:00000010 base:0x15a318
] rtl: locating: 0: .eh_frame -> 0x15a318 (s:64 f:0810 a:4 l:00)
] rtl: locating section: mask:00000004 base:0
] rtl: locating section: mask:00000008 base:0
] rtl: tramp:elf: tramps: slots:0 count:0 total:0
] rtl: tramp:elf: slots:0 (0)
] rtl: sym:locate:global:0    name: _Z3bazv              val:15a380   sect:4   (.text._Z3bazv, 0x15a380)
] rtl: sym:locate:global:1    name: func                 val:15a390   sect:5   (.text.func, 0x15a390)
] rtl: alloc: unlock
] rtl: loading section: mask:00000001 base:0x15a380
] rtl: alloc: wr-enable: addr=0x15a380
] rtl: loading: 0: .text._Z3bazv -> 0x15a380 (s:1 f:0801 a:16 l:00)
] rtl: loading: 1: .text.func -> 0x15a390 (s:1 f:0801 a:16 l:00)
] rtl: alloc: wr-disable: addr=0x15a380
] rtl: loading section: mask:00000002 base:0
] rtl: alloc: wr-enable: addr=0
] rtl: alloc: wr-disable: addr=0
] rtl: loading section: mask:00000010 base:0x15a318
] rtl: alloc: wr-enable: addr=0x15a318
] rtl: loading: 0: .eh_frame -> 0x15a318 (s:64 f:0810 a:4 l:00)
] rtl: alloc: wr-disable: addr=0x15a318
] rtl: loading section: mask:00000004 base:0
] rtl: alloc: wr-enable: addr=0
] rtl: alloc: wr-disable: addr=0
] rtl: loading section: mask:00000008 base:0
] rtl: alloc: wr-enable: addr=0
] rtl: alloc: wr-disable: addr=0
] rtl: relocation: .rel.eh_frame, syms:.symtab
] rtl: rel: sym:(null)(2)=0015a380 type:2 off:00000020
] rtl: reloc PC32 in .eh_frame --> 0x15a380 (0x48 @ 0x15a338) in /dl04-o4.o
] rtl: depend: /dl04-o4.o -> not-found:(null)
] rtl: rel: sym:(null)(3)=0015a390 type:2 off:00000034
] rtl: reloc PC32 in .eh_frame --> 0x15a390 (0x44 @ 0x15a34c) in /dl04-o4.o
] rtl: depend: /dl04-o4.o -> not-found:(null)
] rtl: alloc: new: OBJECT addr=0x15a3c8 size=84
] rtl: linkmap_add
] rtl: unresolv: global resolve
] RTL Unresolved data:
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 4
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 94/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:3   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl05.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.172185 dl05.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl05.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 5
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 5 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 5
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 95/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:4   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl06.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.253319 dl06.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl06.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 6
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 6 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] load: /dl06.rap
] dlopen failed: offset past end of file: offset=8674 size=8674
] [ RTEMS shutdown ]
] RTEMS version:
] RTEMS tools: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] executing thread ID: 0x0a010001
] executing thread name: UI1 
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 6
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 96/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:5   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl07.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.105129 dl07.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl07.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 7
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 7 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] --------------------------------------------------
]  Run: 0
] Test source (link in strstr): testsuites/libtests/dl07/dl-load.c
] load: /dl07-o1.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 7
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 97/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:6   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl08.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.146700 dl08.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl08.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 8
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 8 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] --------------------------------------------------
]  Run: 0
] Test source (link in strstr): testsuites/libtests/dl08/dl-load.c
] load: /dl08-o1.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 8
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 98/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:7   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl09.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:52.169599 dl09.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl09.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 9
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 9 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] --------------------------------------------------
]  Run: 0
] Test source (link in strstr): testsuites/libtests/dl09/dl-load.c
] Allocation size: 0
] load: /dl09-o1.o
] handle: 0x161564: unresolved externals
] handle: 0x161564 loaded
] load: /dl09-o2.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 9
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[ 99/629] p:87  f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:8   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl10.exe
[100/629] p:87  f:0   u:1   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:8   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dl11.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:50.838759 dl11.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/dl11.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: libdl (RTL) 11
] *** BEGIN OF TEST libdl (RTL) 11 ***
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] load: /dl11-o1.o
=>  test end: libdl (RTL) 11
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[101/629] p:87  f:0   u:1   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:9   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: dumpbuf01.exe
 <<skipping passes>>
[115/629] p:101 f:0   u:1   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:9   L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: malloctest.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:51.294157 malloctest.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/libtests/malloctest.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: MALLOCTEST
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] run tests for _Heap_Initialize()
] run tests for _Heap_Block_allocate()
] 	allocate block at the beginning
] 	allocate block full space
] 	allocate block in the middle
] 	allocate block at the end
] 	allocate block at the beginning
] 	allocate block full space
] 	allocate block in the middle
] 	allocate block at the end
] 	allocate block at the beginning
] 	allocate block full space
] 	allocate block in the middle
] 	allocate block at the end
] 	allocate block at the beginning
] 	allocate block full space
] 	allocate block in the middle
] 	allocate block at the end
] run tests for _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary()
] 	check if NULL will be returned if size causes integer overflow
] 	try to allocate more space than the one which fits in the boundary
] 	check if alignment will be set to page size if only a boundary is given
] 	create a block which is bigger then the first free space
] 	set boundary before allocation begin
] 	set boundary between allocation begin and end
] 	set boundary after allocation end
] 	set boundary on allocation end
] 	align the allocation to different positions in the block header
] 	allocate last block with different boundarys
] 	break the boundaries and aligns more than one time
] 	different combinations, so that there is no valid block at the end
] 	try to create a block, which is not possible because of the alignment and boundary
] run tests for _Heap_Resize_Block()
] 	give a block outside the heap to the function
] 	increase size
] 		let the next block be used alredy and try to get a size bigger than the actual block
] 		next block not used and try to set the new allocation size between the page-alignments
] 		let the block after the next be used and try to allocate more then one pagesize more
] 	try to resize to the same size
] 	decrease size
] 		decrease a block with two pages to one page
] 		resize the block to the size 0
] realloc - failed non-in place: realloc(0x153038,64) = 0x153038
] malloc_walk - normal path
] malloc_walk - in critical section path
] Heap Initialized
] heap extend - link below
] heap extend - merge below overlap
] heap extend - merge below
] heap extend - merge above overlap
] heap extend - merge above
] heap extend - link above
] heap extend - area too small
] heap extend - invalid area
] heap extend - merge below with align up
] malloc_free_space - check malloc space drops after malloc
] malloc_free_space - verify free space returns to previous value
] malloc_info - called with NULL
] malloc_info - check free space drops after malloc
] malloc_info - verify free space returns to previous value
] _Heap_Size_with_overhead
] _Protected_heap_Get_information - NULL heap
] _Protected_heap_Get_information - NULL info
] ../../../testsuites/libtests/malloctest/init.c: 1211 p == NULL
] [ RTEMS shutdown ]
] RTEMS version:
] RTEMS tools: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] executing thread ID: 0x0a010001
] executing thread name: UI1 
=>  test end: MALLOCTEST
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[116/629] p:101 f:0   u:1   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:10  L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: math.exe
 <<skipping passes>>
[338/629] p:318 f:1   u:5   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:10  L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: fileio.exe
Result: timeout   
Time: 0:00:38.873918 fileio.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/samples/fileio.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test end: None
=>  target reset: cs-pw-ctl 1 toggle-on 4 2
[339/629] p:318 f:1   u:5   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:11  L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: hello.exe
 <<skipping passes>>
[396/629] p:374 f:2   u:5   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:11  L:0   i:0   W:0   | i386/pc686: sp54.exe
Result: invalid   
Time: 0:00:16.912716 sp54.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/sptests/sp54.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] Init - use valid id of API class with no objects
] Init - lookup name within API class with no objects
=>  test end: None
] *** END OF TEST SP 54 ***
] [ RTEMS shutdown ]
] RTEMS version:
] RTEMS tools: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] executing thread ID: 0x09010001
] executing thread name: IDLE
[397/629] p:374 f:2   u:5   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:11  L:0   i:1   W:0   | i386/pc686: sp55.exe
 <<skipping passes>>
[421/629] p:398 f:2   u:5   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:11  L:0   i:1   W:0   | i386/pc686: spcache01.exe
Result: test-too-long
Time: 0:05:20.638561 spcache01.exe
=>  tftp: exe: build/i386/pc686/testsuites/sptests/spcache01.exe
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
] i386: isr=0 irr=1
=>  test start: SPCACHE 1
] *** TEST TOOLS: 12.3.1 20230720 (RTEMS 6, RSB fc4426c956c13b7e5af3c1eb0f17ef4c71ba8a81, Newlib a021448)
] data cache flush and invalidate test
] data cache operations by line passed the test (write-through cache detected)
] data cache line size 16 bytes
] data cache size 0 bytes
] load 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] load 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] load 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with flush multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes with invalidate multiple data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with invalidated cache 1 ns
] instruction cache line size 16 bytes
] instruction cache size 0 bytes
] store 4096 bytes with flush entire data
]   duration with normal cache 1 ns
]   duration with warm cache 1 ns
]   duration with flushed cache 1 ns
] store 4096 bytes wi