Missing Dependencies on CentOS Image

Kevin Polulak kpolulak at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 03:59:11 UTC 2012

While using the RTEMS CentOS
image<http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtems-vms/>to setup a new
development environment on my laptop, I ran into the missing
libmpc dependency error again. I've encountered this error before and it
occurs while trying to install some of the *-rtems4.11-gcc packages. On my
desktop machine, I had to try and find a copy of libmpc and compile it from
source. If I remember correctly, I think I even had to modify a few
environment variables as well (it might've been $LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Now, on
my laptop, I used the --skip-broken switch to yum instead and just hoped it
doesn't cause any problems in the future. This kinda confuses me since the
MPC library was included starting with GCC 4.5 and the *-rtems4.11-gcc
packages are 4.6.

What I'm getting at though is, shouldn't stuff like this be included with
the image from the start? That is, shouldn't the image already have things
like libmpc installed? After all, the description for the image reads
"provides preconfigured Virtual Machines which include an RTEMS Development
Environment" yet there are several things you still need to install.

For that matter, is there anything wrong with just having *all* the RTEMS
build tools installed? Sure that's a lot of packages but after adding up
the size of every package containing the word "rtems", it's only ~1.04 GB.
Other than an old copy of the RTEMS source code and having yum configured
to search the RTEMS repos, there's really not much that makes this an
"RTEMS development environment". Unless I've misunderstood the purpose of
the CentOS image, shouldn't users be able to just boot up the image and be
able to build from source right away for *any* BSP?

As a side note, the bootstrap script fails until a newer version of
autotools in installed. Perhaps it's time the CentOS image got an update

- Kevin Polulak (soh_cah_toa)
- http://cybercrud.net
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