git reset HEAD~1

Cláudio Silva claudiodcsilva at
Mon Feb 13 15:22:33 UTC 2012


I think that description is wrong. Let's try a longer description
(hopefully correct) of git reset:

"git reset HEAD~" will undo the last commit and unstage those changes.
Your working directory will remain the same, therefore a "git status"
will yield any changes you made plus the changes made in your last
commit. This can be used to fix the last commit. You will need to add
the files again.

"git reset --soft HEAD~" will just undo the last commit.The changes
from last commit will still be staged (just as if you finished git'
adding them).  This can be used to amend the last commit (e.g. I
forgot to add a file to the last commit).

"git reset --hard HEAD~" will revert everything, including the working
directory, to the previous commit. This is dangerous and can lead to
you losing all your changes.

"git reset HEAD" will unstage any change. This is used to revert a
wrong git add. (e.g. I added a file that shouldn't be there, but i
haven't 'commited')

"git reset --hard HEAD" will revert your working directory to a HEAD
state. (You will lose any change you made to files after the last
commit). This is used when you just want to destroy all changes you
made since the last commit.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Ralf Corsepius
<ralf.corsepius at> wrote:
> Hi,
> tells:
>  git reset HEAD-1
> Removes the last 1 (or any other number you put) commit from the current
> branch. git reset should only be used on local branches that no one else is
> accessing remotely. This is a very powerful and tricky command; A good
> description of what it enables to do can be found here
> Either there is a language barrier causing me to misunderstand this sentence
> or this sentence doesn't seem right:
> git reset HEAD  ... removes the last commit
> git reset HEAD~1 ... remove the last 2 commits
> The human factor had just hit me (I needed to revert my last commit),
> causing me to exercise this to trip over this.
> Ralf
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