[PATCH 04/15] Added keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-B, F, G, P, N, T and U and move command executed from the history to the fore in the history, a la linux bash

Ric Claus claus at slac.stanford.edu
Tue Nov 27 03:26:42 UTC 2012

 cpukit/libmisc/shell/shell.c |  220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpukit/libmisc/shell/shell.c b/cpukit/libmisc/shell/shell.c
index aea6b98..90bb512 100644
--- a/cpukit/libmisc/shell/shell.c
+++ b/cpukit/libmisc/shell/shell.c
@@ -173,70 +173,24 @@ static int rtems_shell_line_editor(
-          if (col > 0)
-          {
-            col--;
-            if (output)
-              fputc('\b', out);
-          }
+          c = 2;
+          extended_key = 0;
-          case RTEMS_SHELL_KEYS_RARROW:
-            if ((col < size) && (line[col] != '\0'))
-            {
-              if (output)
-                fprintf(out, "%c", line[col]);
-              col++;
-            }
-            break;
+          c = 6;
+          extended_key = 0;
+          break;
-          if ((cmd >= (count - 1)) || (strlen(cmds[cmd + 1]) == 0)) {
-            if (output)
-              fputc('\x7', out);
-            break;
-          }
-          up = 1;
+          c = 16;
+          extended_key = 0;
+          break;
-          /* drop through */
-        {
-          int last_cmd = cmd;
-          int clen = strlen (line);
-          if (prompt)
-            clen += strlen(prompt);
-          if (up) {
-            cmd++;
-          } else {
-            if (cmd < 0) {
-              if (output)
-                fprintf(out, "\x7");
-              break;
-            }
-            else
-              cmd--;
-          }
-          if ((last_cmd < 0) || (strcmp(cmds[last_cmd], line) != 0))
-            memcpy (new_line, line, size);
-          if (cmd < 0)
-            memcpy (line, new_line, size);
-          else
-            memcpy (line, cmds[cmd], size);
-          col = strlen (line);
-          if (output) {
-            fprintf(out,"\r%*c", clen, ' ');
-            fprintf(out,"\r%s%s", prompt, line);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+          c = 14;
+          extended_key = 0;
+          break;
         case RTEMS_SHELL_KEYS_DEL:
           if (line[col] != '\0')
@@ -258,11 +212,11 @@ static int rtems_shell_line_editor(
-    else
+    if (!extended_key)
       switch (c)
-        case 1:/*Control-a*/
+        case 1:                         /*Control-a*/
           if (output) {
             if (prompt)
               fprintf(out,"\r%s", prompt);
@@ -270,13 +224,59 @@ static int rtems_shell_line_editor(
           col = 0;
-        case 5:/*Control-e*/
+        case 2:                         /* Control-B */
+          if (col > 0)
+          {
+            col--;
+            if (output)
+              fputc('\b', out);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 4:                         /* Control-D */
+          if (strlen(line)) {
+            if (col < strlen(line)) {
+              strcpy (line + col, line + col + 1);
+              if (output) {
+                int bs;
+                fprintf(out,"%s \b", line + col);
+                for (bs = 0; bs < ((int) strlen (line) - col); bs++)
+                  fputc('\b', out);
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          /* Fall through */
+        case EOF:
+          if (output)
+            fputc('\n', out);
+          return -2;
+        case 5:                         /*Control-e*/
           if (output)
             fprintf(out, "%s", line + col);
           col = (int) strlen (line);
-        case 11:/*Control-k*/
+        case 6:                         /* Control-F */
+          if ((col < size) && (line[col] != '\0')) {
+            if (output)
+              fputc(line[col], out);
+            col++;
+          }
+          break;
+        case 7:                         /* Control-G */
+          if (output) {
+            fprintf(out,"\r%s%*c", prompt, strlen (line), ' ');
+            fprintf(out,"\r%s\x7", prompt);
+          }
+          memset (line, '\0', strlen(line));
+          col = 0;
+          break;
+        case 11:                        /*Control-k*/
           if (line[col]) {
             if (output) {
               int end = strlen(line);
@@ -289,14 +289,6 @@ static int rtems_shell_line_editor(
-        case 0x04:/*Control-d*/
-          if (strlen(line))
-            break;
-        case EOF:
-          if (output)
-            fputc('\n', out);
-          return -2;
         case '\f':
           if (output) {
             int end;
@@ -345,11 +337,99 @@ static int rtems_shell_line_editor(
                 memmove(cmds[1], cmds[0], (count - 1) * size);
               memmove (cmds[0], line, size);
               cmd = 0;
+            } else {
+              if ((cmd > 1) && (strcmp(line, cmds[cmd]) == 0)) {
+                memmove(cmds[1], cmds[0], cmd * size);
+                memmove (cmds[0], line, size);
+                cmd = 0;
+              }
         return cmd;
+        case 16:                         /* Control-P */
+          if ((cmd >= (count - 1)) || (strlen(cmds[cmd + 1]) == 0)) {
+            if (output)
+              fputc('\x7', out);
+            break;
+          }
+          up = 1;
+          /* drop through */
+        case 14:                        /* Control-N */
+        {
+          int last_cmd = cmd;
+          int clen = strlen (line);
+          if (prompt)
+            clen += strlen(prompt);
+          if (up) {
+            cmd++;
+          } else {
+            if (cmd < 0) {
+              if (output)
+                fprintf(out, "\x7");
+              break;
+            }
+            else
+              cmd--;
+          }
+          if ((last_cmd < 0) || (strcmp(cmds[last_cmd], line) != 0))
+            memcpy (new_line, line, size);
+          if (cmd < 0)
+            memcpy (line, new_line, size);
+          else
+            memcpy (line, cmds[cmd], size);
+          col = strlen (line);
+          if (output) {
+            fprintf(out,"\r%s%*c", prompt, clen, ' ');
+            fprintf(out,"\r%s%s", prompt, line);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+        case 20:                        /* Control-T */
+          if (col > 0)
+          {
+            char tmp;
+            if (col == strlen(line)) {
+              col--;
+              if (output)
+                fprintf(out,"\b");
+            }
+            tmp           = line[col];
+            line[col]     = line[col - 1];
+            line[col - 1] = tmp;
+            if (output)
+              fprintf(out,"\b%c%c", line[col - 1], line[col]);
+            col++;
+          } else {
+            if (output)
+              fputc('\x7', out);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 21:                        /* Control-U */
+          if (col > 0)
+          {
+            int clen = strlen (line);
+            strcpy (line, line + col);
+            if (output) {
+              fprintf(out,"\r%s%*c", prompt, clen, ' ');
+              fprintf(out,"\r%s%s", prompt, line);
+            }
+            col = 0;
+          }
+          break;
           if ((col < (size - 1)) && (c >= ' ') && (c <= '~')) {
             int end = strlen (line);

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