[PATCH] libmm patches after fixups

Hesham Moustafa heshamelmatary at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 16:11:01 UTC 2013

Hey all,

Please review the new patches after fixups according
to your reviews.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Gedare Bloom <gedare at gwmail.gwu.edu> wrote:
> For 0003-libmm-libcpu-arm-shared.patch, you should not specify the
> exception handler is inline, since you register a pointer for it. At
> any rate can you use the ARM's default exception handler (Sebastian
> pointed it out in another email). Also, you should probably get rid of
> the arm_cp15_print_fsr.c file or make it part of your test code if you
> want to keep it for debugging purposes. There are unused variables in
> _CPU_Memory_management_Initialize(), and a lot of unused variables in
> _CPU_Memory_management_Set_attributes(). Get rid of unused variables
> and get rid of unnecessary initializations of variables.
> In the arm-cp15.h file it looks like you have a spurious paste:
> +
> +/** @} */
> +
> +/** @} */
> +
> I think you only want one of those.
> 0004-libmm-armbsps-realview-xilinx-raspberry.patch:
> * mm_config_table.h: The global variables in these 3 header files
> should not be given the static attribute. It does not make a lot of
> sense to me for a variable to be static in a header file.
> The tests in patch 0005 still need some fixes to deal with workspace
> allocation, and eventually to make them flexible and not use
> hard-coded addresses.
> -Gedare
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Hesham Moustafa
> <heshamelmatary at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I have fixed up some issues according to reviews on my
>> latest set of patches. Fixups include:
>> - Deleting translation table and created a new translation macro.
>> (According to Sebastian Review) with introducing flags at high-level
>> for attributes.
>> - s/dummy_data_abort_excpetion_handler/default_data_abort_excpetion_handler/
>> and made it call bsp_generic_fatal
>> - Created new xxx_fsr_print_description C file (According to Gedare review)
>> - Moved FSR Regiser Defines to arm-cp15.h (According to Gedare review)
>> - Deleted hard coded values.
>> - Remove blanks and white spaces.
>> Regards,
>> Hesham
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