Releasing 4.11

Chris Johns chrisj at
Fri Feb 8 03:39:37 UTC 2013

Cynthia Rempel wrote:
> I know portions of the RTEMS source are quite dated, but look like really good ideas, like the NSIS installer.  Would it make sense to move contrib/minGW into either rtems-crossrpms or rtems-buildsys, and make updating the NSIS installer into an "open project"?

The NSIS installer are dead. The crossrpm and buildsys repos are not 
related so I doubt placing anything there is a good idea.

For MinGW these days I would be in favor of RTEMS having a suitable 
repository that the mingw-get tool can access and use. Here is an 
example of such a repo outside of the MinGW project ...

The mingw-get tool is being developed and maintained by one of the MinGW 
project leads (Keith Marshall) and is currently getting GUI support. For 
more details see ...


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