[GSOC 2013] - RTEMS Run-Time Oriented projects and Raspberry Pi BSP

Sagara Paranagama sagara89dev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 03:32:51 UTC 2013

> I updated my mentor information. I am in the process of submitting a basic
> Raspberry Pi BSP. Once that is in, there are plenty of improvements and
> additions to be made to it. You can see the patch I submitted on this
> mailing list for my initial BSP. You should be able to build RTEMS 4.11 and
> run some basic tests on the Pi.
Hi Alan,

Thanks for your reply. I found your patch and I'm going through it now. Can
I contact you directly through email (while Cc -ing to the mailing list)
 if I come across any problems? (or maybe vice versa)

Sagara Paranagama
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