[GSOC] Application Configuration GUI for RTEMS.

Shubham Somani shubhamsomani92 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 19:04:04 UTC 2013


I'm very happy to be participating in this year's GSoC with RTEMS. I would
like to thank Dr.Joel, Cynthia and Gedare for their constant help and

I would be building a dynamically created UI which could ease the
application specific configuration of RTEMS.

The general workflow would be that the UI would be created dynamically with
the help of conf.t (http://git.rtems.org/rtems/tree/doc/user/conf.t) and
then the user would be able to edit those values and generate a desired
header file.

As of current date :

The frontend of the GUI and the TUI has been built. They can be accessed

   a) https://github.com/shubhamsomani/GUI

   b) https://github.com/shubhamsomani/TUI

The GUI is loaded with default values as specified in conf.t (Thanks to
Cynthia for her patch). The user can edit those values. Also he can save
and load back that state of the GUI. The saved state's values are written
in a .ini file.

In the recent future :

I would be working on the generation of the header file and validation of
values in the GUI.

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