[PATCH 8/9] fsdsosfsname01: Ensure endian correctness

Rempel, Cynthia cynt6007 at vandals.uidaho.edu
Mon Jun 3 14:55:16 UTC 2013

>> On 05/31/2013 03:42 PM, Ralf Kirchner wrote:
>>> diff --git a/testsuites/fstests/fsdosfsname01/image_bin_le_multibyte.h
>>> b/testsuites/fstests/fsdosfsname01/image_bin_le_multibyte.h
>>> +/*
>>> + *  Declarations for C structure representing a disk image
>>> + *
>>> + *  WARNING: Automatically generated -- do not edit!
>>> + */
>>> +
>> AFAIU, this code qualifies is a hex dump of some binary, seemingly having been
>> generated by some seemingly unfree tool.
>It is generated from init.c if PRINT_DISK_IMAGE != 0.

Thanks Sebastian for the clarification :)

Could a rule in the Makefile.am be added to generate testsuites/fstests/fsdosfsname01/image_bin_le_multibyte.h and then not include the file in the repo?
If the file is needed for comparing a new build vs. the working build (for testing purposed), then it makes sense to keep image_bin_le_multibyte.h...

Could the line 
+ *  WARNING: Automatically generated -- do not edit!

be changed to
+ *  WARNING: Automatically generated by init.c if PRINT_DISK_IMAGE != 0 -- do not edit!

>> => In this shape this code violates the RTEMS license and may not be applied to
>> Please reimplement this by using free tools.
>So if I use notepad.exe on Windows to write RTEMS source code I violate the
>RTEMS license?
I suspect there was a little confusion on how the file was generated, but it appears Sebastian cleared that up quite well.
Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

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E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
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