Proposed CFE Demo on RTEMS

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Sun Dec 21 17:16:41 UTC 2014


One idea Mark and I had at the Flight Software
Workshop was to up the ante on demos for RTEMS.
We ran fileio and ticker as demos. The next
space show we go to, we want to show CFE/CFS
doing something on at least the Beagle. Ideally
it would also run on the Pi and Edison showing

CFE has an open source portion so at this point
we need to turn to Alan Cudmore for guidance on
what is possible without taking a huge lab.

We particularly think this will appeal to the
small sat and cubesat communities but the big
mission folks will see value in it as well.
After all, we won't carry a hugely expensive
space qualified board around for demos. :)

So let's define what it is and tackle it as
a community.


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