Beagle bsp submit question

Joel Sherrill Joel.Sherrill at
Mon Jul 14 18:10:50 UTC 2014

On Jul 14, 2014 12:27 PM, Ben Gras <beng at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm pretty close to be able to submit an initial version of the Beagle* bsp. I'm doing last-minute testing and commit cleanup and that's going really well.
> It is technically based on Claas Ziemke's GSOC BSP for the Beagleboard. Long story short, I rebased it and started hacking on it.
> I'm planning to submit it as two commits so his work is cleanly preserved. Is that OK?

Yes. I think that is not just OK buy gives credit where it is due. The message on his work should probably mention GSOC. Isn't that what sponsored the work?
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