[PATCH] Fix headers and add RTC to altera-cyclone-v BSP.
Christian Mauderer
Christian.Mauderer at embedded-brains.de
Mon Jul 28 08:43:57 UTC 2014
Am 28.07.2014 10:17, schrieb Chris Johns:
> On 28/07/2014 5:17 pm, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>> just that there is no confusion about it: The second patch contains some
>> large headers from the Altera hwlib. Therefore it is bigger than the
>> maximum mail size for the list and has to be reviewed by a list
>> administrator. Therefore it can need some additional time to turn up on
>> the list.
> What is the license for these header files ?
> Are you able to post the license or is there a public reference to the
> code ?
The license is the same like for the headers that are already included
in this BSP in the hwlib directory. Altera uses a BSD-style license for
the files from hwlib. It is written directly in the head of the headers
and sources.
> Did you obtain these files from an installed Altera tool or package with
> an EUL you accepted or via a login to Altera's website ?
The hwlib is packed with the Altera "SoC Embedded Design Suite Web
Edition". It is available here:
You have to register to get access to the installer. The complete pack
has a number of different licenses for the different parts of the
development environment. But the heads of the source files clearly state
a BSD-style license for the hwlib part.
> Please understand we cannot accept the code unless it is public or the
> project has an accepted agreement from Altera we can include it.
Of course I understand that. It would be difficult to use RTEMS if you
had to search every file for incompatible licenses.
Kind regards
Christian Mauderer
embedded brains GmbH
Christian Mauderer
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: christian.mauderer at embedded-brains.de
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
Fax: +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
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