[PATCH] lpc24xx/lpc17xx: hack to enable ETHERNET support on LPC4088.

Pavel Pisa ppisa4lists at pikron.com
Sat Mar 15 11:04:30 UTC 2014

Hello Sebastian and others,

I want to confirm that actual RTEMS mainline
LPC17/40 ETHERNET support woks well on LX_CPU board.
The hack for LPC4088 is required still.

I am presenting our university at Amper exhibition
in Brno next week so I get to work on more clean
solution for LPC4088 after I return.

I need update my arm-rtems4.11 Newlib (to 2.1.0) and binutils, because
I have started to experience next problem

../../../../../../../git/rtems/c/src/libchip/network/dwmac-desc-enh.c: In 
function 'dwmac_desc_enh_destroy_rx_desc':
../../../../../../../git/rtems/c/src/libchip/network/dwmac-desc-enh.c:709:3: warning: implicit declaration of 
function '__DEVOLATILE' [-Wimpli
   void *desc_mem = __DEVOLATILE( void *, self->dma_rx );

I have used workaround for today test.

Best wishes,

                Pavel Pisa
    e-mail:     pisa at cmp.felk.cvut.cz
    www:        http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa
    university: http://dce.fel.cvut.cz/
    company:    http://www.pikron.com/

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