Error while building rtems

Marcos Díaz marcos.diaz at
Mon Mar 31 14:45:46 UTC 2014

Hi, we were trying to build RTEMS for our bsp, after updating it, and
it crashed.
This is the error it gives:

warning: nested extern declaration of '__DEVOLATILE'
error: expected expression before 'void'
  void *desc_mem = __DEVOLATILE( void *, self->dma_rx );

We haven't touched anything in libchip. So, what could be the problem?
we arent using ethernet for our builds.


Marcos Díaz

Software Engineer

San Lorenzo 47, 3rd Floor, Office 5

Córdoba, Argentina

Phone: +54 351 4217888 / +54 351 4218211/ +54 351 7617452

Skype: markdiaz22

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