Posix patchs to support affinity attribute in newlib

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Mon Mar 3 15:56:15 UTC 2014

On 2014-03-03 16:36, Jennifer Averett wrote:
>> >Is the implementation correct for CPU sets which are not pre-allocated?
>> >
> Until we have a system that supports over 32 CPU's the implementation can
> not be tested for this.  I minimized the locations that will have to be touched
> when we support this but I didn't think it was correct to add code that can not
> be tested.

You can test the inline functions separately.  You can add an _Assert() if 
someone hits a not implemented path.  If you copy an attribute with somehow 
allocated CPU sets, then you need to allocate somehow memory for the copy. 
This allocation may fail, so you cannot use a void function?

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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