GSoC 2014 proposal link

Janek van Oirschot janekvoirschot at
Wed Mar 19 22:30:09 UTC 2014


The first draft of my GSoC proposal is finished. It's on google docs found
uploaded to melange.

Kind regards,
Janek van Oirschot

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Janek van Oirschot <
janekvoirschot at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have started my proposal and the appropriate link to the proposal
> document can be found here<>.
> It's not done quite yet but I hope to be able to finish the first draft
> tomorrow (Wednesday) and upload it to melange. Any feedback will be
> processed on Thursday. Please let me know who to allow access to it.
> Kind regards,
> Janek van Oirschot
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