[PATCH] doc: Sort the shell file commands into alphabetical order.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Mon Sep 15 00:15:23 UTC 2014

 doc/shell/file.t | 3039 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 1559 insertions(+), 1480 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/shell/file.t b/doc/shell/file.t
index 2db057d..bda3d3d 100644
--- a/doc/shell/file.t
+++ b/doc/shell/file.t
@@ -11,32 +11,33 @@ The RTEMS shell has the following file and directory commands:
 @itemize @bullet
- at item @code{umask} - Set file mode creation mask
+ at item @code{blksync} - sync the block driver
+ at item @code{cat} - display file contents
+ at item @code{cd} - alias for chdir
+ at item @code{chdir} - change the current directory
+ at item @code{chmod} - change permissions of a file
+ at item @code{chroot} - change the root directory
 @item @code{cp} - copy files
- at item @code{mv} - move files
- at item @code{pwd} - print work directory
+ at item @code{dd} - format disks
+ at item @code{debugrfs} - debug RFS file system
+ at item @code{df} - display file system disk space usage
+ at item @code{dir} - alias for ls
+ at item @code{fdisk} - format disks
+ at item @code{hexdump} - format disks
+ at item @code{ln} - make links
 @item @code{ls} - list files in the directory
- at item @code{chdir} - change the current directory
+ at item @code{md5} - display file system disk space usage
 @item @code{mkdir} - create a directory
- at item @code{rmdir} - remove empty directories
- at item @code{ln} - make links
+ at item @code{mkdos} - DOSFS disk format
 @item @code{mknod} - make device special file
- at item @code{chroot} - change the root directory
- at item @code{chmod} - change permissions of a file
- at item @code{cat} - display file contents
- at item @code{msdosfmt} - format disk
- at item @code{rm} - remove files
+ at item @code{mkrfs} - format RFS file system
 @item @code{mount} - mount disk
+ at item @code{mv} - move files
+ at item @code{pwd} - print work directory
+ at item @code{rmdir} - remove empty directories
+ at item @code{rm} - remove files
+ at item @code{umask} - Set file mode creation mask
 @item @code{unmount} - unmount disk
- at item @code{blksync} - sync the block driver
- at item @code{dd} - format disks
- at item @code{hexdump} - format disks
- at item @code{fdisk} - format disks
- at item @code{dir} - alias for ls
- at item @code{mkrfs} - format RFS file system
- at item @code{cd} - alias for chdir
- at item @code{df} - display file system disk space usage
- at item @code{md5} - display file system disk space usage
 @end itemize
@@ -51,20 +52,19 @@ command as well as providing an example usage.
- at subsection umask - set file mode creation mask
+ at subsection blksync - sync the block driver
- at pgindex umask
+ at pgindex blksync
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-umask [new_umask]
+blksync driver
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command sets the user file creation mask to @code{new_umask}.  The
-argument @code{new_umask} may be octal, hexadecimal, or decimal.
+This command XXX
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -72,156 +72,68 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-This command does not currently support symbolic mode masks.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{umask}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{blksync}:
-SHLL [/] $ umask
-SHLL [/] $ umask 0666
-SHLL [/] $ umask
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_UMASK} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UMASK} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_BLKSYNC} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_umask
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_blksync
-The @code{umask} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{blksync} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_umask(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_blksync(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{umask} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{blksync} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UMASK_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_BLKSYNC_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection cp - copy files
+ at subsection cat - display file contents
- at pgindex cp
+ at pgindex cat
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-pv] src target
-cp [-R [-H | -L] ] [-f | -i] [-NpPv] source_file ... target_directory
+cat file1 [file2 .. fileN]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the
-source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of
-each named source_file is copied to the destination target_directory. The names
-of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a
-file to itself, the copy will fail.
-The following options are available:
- at table @b
- at item -f
-For each existing destination pathname, attempt to overwrite it. If permissions
-do not allow copy to succeed, remove it and create a new file, without
-prompting for confirmation. (The -i option is ignored if the -f option is
- at item -H
-If the -R option is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed.
-(Symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal are not followed.)
- at item -i
-Causes cp to write a prompt to the standard error output before copying a file
-that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input
-begins with the character 'y', the file copy is attempted.
- at item -L
-If the -R option is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
- at item -N
-When used with -p, do not copy file flags.
- at item -P
-No symbolic links are followed.
- at item -p
-Causes cp to preserve in the copy as many of the modification time, access
-time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by permissions.
-If the user ID and group ID cannot be preserved, no error message is displayed
-and the exit value is not altered.
-If the source file has its set user ID bit on and the user ID cannot be
-preserved, the set user ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions. If
-the source file has its set group ID bit on and the group ID cannot be
-preserved, the set group ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions. If
-the source file has both its set user ID and set group ID bits on, and either
-the user ID or group ID cannot be preserved, neither the set user ID or set
-group ID bits are preserved in the copy's permissions.
- at item -R
-If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire
-subtree connected at that point. This option also causes symbolic links to be
-copied, rather than indirected through, and for cp to create special files
-rather than copying them as normal files. Created directories have the same
-mode as the corresponding source directory, unmodified by the process's umask.
- at item -v
-Cause cp to be verbose, showing files as they are copied.
- at end table
-For each destination file that already exists, its contents are overwritten if
-permissions allow, but its mode, user ID, and group ID are unchanged.
-In the second synopsis form, target_directory must exist unless there is only
-one named source_file which is a directory and the -R flag is specified.
-If the destination file does not exist, the mode of the source file is used as
-modified by the file mode creation mask (umask, see csh(1)). If the source file
-has its set user ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and
-the destination file are owned by the same user. If the source file has its set
-group ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and the
-destination file are in the same group and the user is a member of that group.
-If both the set user ID and set group ID bits are set, all of the above
-conditions must be fulfilled or both bits are removed.
-Appropriate permissions are required for file creation or overwriting.
-Symbolic links are always followed unless the -R flag is set, in which case
-symbolic links are not followed, by default. The -H or -L flags (in conjunction
-with the -R flag), as well as the -P flag cause symbolic links to be followed
-as described above. The -H and -L options are ignored unless the -R option is
-specified. In addition, these options override eachsubhedading other and the
-command's actions are determined by the last one specified.
+This command displays the contents of the specified files.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -229,227 +141,155 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
+It is possible to read the input from a device file using @code{cat}.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{cp} to
-copy a file to a new name in the current directory:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{cat}:
-SHLL [/] # cat joel
-cat: joel: No such file or directory
-SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
-SHLL [/] # cat joel
+SHLL [/] # cat /etc/passwd
 rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
 tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
-SHLL [/] # ls
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 joel
-3 files 1710 bytes occupied
- at end example
-The following is an example of how to use @code{cp} to
-copy one or more files to a destination directory and
-use the same @code{basename} in the destination directory:
- at example
-SHLL [/] # mkdir tmp
-SHLL [/] # ls tmp
-0 files 0 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmp
-SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
-1 files 102 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /tmp
-SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:01 group
-2 files 144 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] #
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CP} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CAT} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CP} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CAT} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cp
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cat
-The @code{cp} command is implemented by a C language function which
-has the following prototype:
+The @code{cat} is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cp(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cat(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{cp} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{cat} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CP_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CAT_Command;
 @end example
- at subheading ORIGIN:
-The implementation and portions of the documentation for this
-command are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection mv - move files
+ at subsection cd - alias for chdir
- at pgindex mv
+ at pgindex cd
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-mv [-fiv] source_file target_file
-mv [-fiv] source_file... target_file
+cd directory
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source
-operand to the destination path named by the target operand.  This
-form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already
-existing directory.
+This command is an alias or alternate name for the @code{chdir}.
+See @ref{File and Directory Commands chdir - change the current directory, cd}
+for more information.
-In its second form, mv moves each file named by a source operand to a
-destination file in the existing directory named by the directory
-operand.  The destination path for each operand is the pathname
-produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the
-final pathname component of the named file.
+ at subheading EXIT STATUS:
-The following options are available:
+This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
- at table @b
- at item -f
-Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination
- at item -i
-Causes mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file
-that would overwrite an existing file.  If the response from the
-standard input begins with the character 'y', the move is attempted.
- at item -v
-Cause mv to be verbose, showing files as they are processed.
- at end table
-The last of any -f or -i options is the one which affects mv's
-It is an error for any of the source operands to specify a nonexistent
-file or directory.
-It is an error for the source operand to specify a directory if the
-target exists and is not a directory.
-If the destination path does not have a mode which permits writing, mv
-prompts the user for confirmation as specified for the -i option.
-Should the @b{rename} call fail because source and target are on
-different file systems, @code{mv} will remove the destination file,
-copy the source file to the destination, and then remove the source.
-The effect is roughly equivalent to:
- at example
-rm -f destination_path && \
-cp -PRp source_file destination_path && \
-rm -rf source_file
- at end example
- at subheading EXIT STATUS:
-The @code{mv} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
- at subheading NOTES:
+ at subheading NOTES:
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{cd}:
-SHLL [/] mv /dev/console /dev/con1
+SHLL [/] $ cd etc
+SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
+SHLL [/] $ cd /etc
+SHLL [/etc] $ pwd
+SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
+SHLL [/] $ pwd
+SHLL [/] $ cd etc
+SHLL [/etc] $ cd ..
+SHLL [/] $ pwd
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
-building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MV} to have this command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.
+When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CD} to have this
+command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MV} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CD} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mv
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cd
-The @code{mv} command is implemented by a C language function which
-has the following prototype:
+The @code{cd} is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mv(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cd(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{mv} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{cd} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MV_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CD_Command;
 @end example
- at subheading ORIGIN:
-The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
-are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection pwd - print work directory
+ at subsection chdir - change the current directory
- at pgindex pwd
+ at pgindex chdir
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
+chdir [dir]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command prints the fully qualified filename of the current
-working directory.
+This command is used to change the current working directory to
+the specified directory.  If no arguments are given, the current
+working directory will be changed to @code{/}.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -461,70 +301,71 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{pwd}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{chdir}:
 SHLL [/] $ pwd
-SHLL [/] $ cd dev
-SHLL [/dev] $ pwd
+SHLL [/] $ chdir etc
+SHLL [/etc] $ pwd
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_PWD} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHDIR} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_PWD} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHDIR} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_pwd
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chdir
-The @code{pwd} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{chdir} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_pwd(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chdir(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{pwd} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{chdir} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_PWD_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHDIR_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection ls - list files in the directory
+ at subsection chmod - change permissions of a file
- at pgindex ls
+ at pgindex chmod
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-ls [dir]
+chmod permissions file1 [file2...]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command displays the contents of the specified directory.  If
-no arguments are given, then it displays the contents of the current
-working directory.
+This command changes the permissions on the files specified to the
+indicated @code{permissions}.  The permission values are POSIX based
+with owner, group, and world having individual read, write, and
+executive permission bits.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -532,244 +373,263 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-This command currently does not display information on a set of
-files like the POSIX ls(1).  It only displays the contents of
-entire directories.
+The @code{chmod} command only takes numeric representations of
+the permissions.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{ls}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{chmod}:
-SHLL [/] $ ls
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
-2 files 1608 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] $ ls etc
+SHLL [/] # cd etc
+SHLL [/etc] # ls
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
+4 files 202 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0777 passwd
+SHLL [/etc] # ls
+-rwxrwxrwx   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
+4 files 202 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0322 passwd
+SHLL [/etc] # ls
+--wx-w--w-   1 nouser   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
+-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
+-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
+-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
+4 files 202 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0644 passwd
+SHLL [/etc] # ls
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
 4 files 202 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] $ ls dev etc
--rwxr-xr-x   1  rtems   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console
--rwxr-xr-x   1   root   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console_b
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_LS} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHMOD} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_LS} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHMOD} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_ls
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chmod
-The @code{ls} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{chmod} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_ls(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chmod(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{ls} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{chmod} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_LS_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHMOD_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection chdir - change the current directory
+ at subsection chroot - change the root directory
- at pgindex chdir
+ at pgindex chroot
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-chdir [dir]
+chroot [dir]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command is used to change the current working directory to
-the specified directory.  If no arguments are given, the current
-working directory will be changed to @code{/}.
+This command changes the root directory to @code{dir} for subsequent
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
 This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
+The destination directory @code{dir} must exist.
 @subheading NOTES:
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{chdir}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{chroot}
+and the impact it has on the environment for subsequent
+command invocations:
-SHLL [/] $ pwd
-SHLL [/] $ chdir etc
-SHLL [/etc] $ pwd
+SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
+cat: passwd: No such file or directory
+SHLL [/] $ chroot etc
+SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
+rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
+tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
+SHLL [/] $ cat /etc/passwd
+cat: /etc/passwd: No such file or directory
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHDIR} to have this
-command included.
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHROOT} to have this
+command included. Additional to that you have to add one
+POSIX key value pair for each thread where you want to use
+the command.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHDIR} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHROOT} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chdir
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chroot
-The @code{chdir} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{chroot} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chdir(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chroot(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{chdir} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{chroot} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHDIR_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHROOT_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection mkdir - create a directory
+ at subsection cp - copy files
- at pgindex mkdir
+ at pgindex cp
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-mkdir  dir [dir1 .. dirN]
+cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-pv] src target
+cp [-R [-H | -L] ] [-f | -i] [-NpPv] source_file ... target_directory
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command creates the set of directories in the order they
-are specified on the command line.  If an error is encountered
-making one of the directories, the command will continue to
-attempt to create the remaining directories on the command line.
- at subheading EXIT STATUS:
-This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
- at subheading NOTES:
-If this command is invoked with no arguments, nothing occurs.
-The user must have sufficient permissions to create the directory.
-For the @code{fileio} test provided with RTEMS, this means the user
-must login as @code{root} not @code{rtems}.
- at subheading EXAMPLES:
+In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the
+source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of
+each named source_file is copied to the destination target_directory. The names
+of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a
+file to itself, the copy will fail.
-The following is an example of how to use @code{mkdir}:
+The following options are available:
- at example
-SHLL [/] # ls
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
-2 files 1608 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] # mkdir joel
-SHLL [/] # ls joel
-0 files 0 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
-SHLL [/] # ls joel
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:02 passwd
-1 files 102 bytes occupied
- at end example
+ at table @b
+ at item -f
+For each existing destination pathname, attempt to overwrite it. If permissions
+do not allow copy to succeed, remove it and create a new file, without
+prompting for confirmation. (The -i option is ignored if the -f option is
- at subheading CONFIGURATION:
+ at item -H
+If the -R option is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed.
+(Symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal are not followed.)
+ at item -i
+Causes cp to write a prompt to the standard error output before copying a file
+that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input
+begins with the character 'y', the file copy is attempted.
-This command is included in the default shell command set.
-When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKDIR} to have this
-command included.
+ at item -L
+If the -R option is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
-This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKDIR} when all
-shell commands have been configured.
+ at item -N
+When used with -p, do not copy file flags.
+ at item -P
+No symbolic links are followed.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdir
+ at item -p
+Causes cp to preserve in the copy as many of the modification time, access
+time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by permissions.
-The @code{mkdir} is implemented by a C language function
-which has the following prototype:
+If the user ID and group ID cannot be preserved, no error message is displayed
+and the exit value is not altered.
- at example
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdir(
-  int    argc,
-  char **argv
- at end example
+If the source file has its set user ID bit on and the user ID cannot be
+preserved, the set user ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions. If
+the source file has its set group ID bit on and the group ID cannot be
+preserved, the set group ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions. If
+the source file has both its set user ID and set group ID bits on, and either
+the user ID or group ID cannot be preserved, neither the set user ID or set
+group ID bits are preserved in the copy's permissions.
-The configuration structure for the @code{mkdir} has the
-following prototype:
+ at item -R
+If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire
+subtree connected at that point. This option also causes symbolic links to be
+copied, rather than indirected through, and for cp to create special files
+rather than copying them as normal files. Created directories have the same
+mode as the corresponding source directory, unmodified by the process's umask.
- at example
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKDIR_Command;
- at end example
+ at item -v
+Cause cp to be verbose, showing files as they are copied.
- at c
- at c
- at c
- at page
- at subsection rmdir - remove empty directories
+ at end table
- at pgindex rmdir
+For each destination file that already exists, its contents are overwritten if
+permissions allow, but its mode, user ID, and group ID are unchanged.
- at subheading SYNOPSYS:
+In the second synopsis form, target_directory must exist unless there is only
+one named source_file which is a directory and the -R flag is specified.
- at example
-rmdir  [dir1 .. dirN]
- at end example
+If the destination file does not exist, the mode of the source file is used as
+modified by the file mode creation mask (umask, see csh(1)). If the source file
+has its set user ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and
+the destination file are owned by the same user. If the source file has its set
+group ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and the
+destination file are in the same group and the user is a member of that group.
+If both the set user ID and set group ID bits are set, all of the above
+conditions must be fulfilled or both bits are removed.
- at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+Appropriate permissions are required for file creation or overwriting.
-This command removes the specified set of directories.  If no
-directories are provided on the command line, no actions are taken.
+Symbolic links are always followed unless the -R flag is set, in which case
+symbolic links are not followed, by default. The -H or -L flags (in conjunction
+with the -R flag), as well as the -P flag cause symbolic links to be followed
+as described above. The -H and -L options are ignored unless the -R option is
+specified. In addition, these options override eachsubhedading other and the
+command's actions are determined by the last one specified.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -777,135 +637,291 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-This command is a implemented using the @code{rmdir(2)} system
-call and all reasons that call may fail apply to this command.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{rmdir}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{cp} to
+copy a file to a new name in the current directory:
-SHLL [/] # mkdir joeldir
-SHLL [/] # rmdir joeldir
-SHLL [/] # ls joeldir
-joeldir: No such file or directory.
+SHLL [/] # cat joel
+cat: joel: No such file or directory
+SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
+SHLL [/] # cat joel
+rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
+tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
+SHLL [/] # ls
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 joel
+3 files 1710 bytes occupied
+ at end example
+The following is an example of how to use @code{cp} to
+copy one or more files to a destination directory and
+use the same @code{basename} in the destination directory:
+ at example
+SHLL [/] # mkdir tmp
+SHLL [/] # ls tmp
+0 files 0 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmp
+SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
+1 files 102 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /tmp
+SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:01 group
+2 files 144 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] #
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RMDIR} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CP} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RMDIR} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CP} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_rmdir
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cp
-The @code{rmdir} is implemented by a C language function
-which has the following prototype:
+The @code{cp} command is implemented by a C language function which
+has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_rmdir(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cp(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{rmdir} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{cp} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RMDIR_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CP_Command;
 @end example
+ at subheading ORIGIN:
+The implementation and portions of the documentation for this
+command are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection ln - make links
+ at subsection dd - convert and copy a file
- at pgindex ln
+ at pgindex dd
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-ln [-fhinsv] source_file [target_file]
-ln [-fhinsv] source_file ... target_dir
+dd [operands ...]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The ln utility creates a new directory entry (linked file) which has
-the same modes as the original file.  It is useful for maintaining
-multiple copies of a file in many places at once without using up
-storage for the ``copies''; instead, a link ``points'' to the original
-copy.  There are two types of links; hard links and symbolic links.
-How a link ``points'' to a file is one of the differences between a
-hard or symbolic link.
+The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output.
+Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks.  If input reads are
+short, input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output
+block.  When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial
+input and output blocks and truncated input records to the standard
+error output.
+The following operands are available:
-The options are as follows:
 @table @b
- at item -f
-Unlink any already existing file, permitting the link to occur.
+ at item bs=n
+Set both input and output block size, superseding the ibs and obs
+operands.  If no conversion values other than noerror, notrunc or sync
+are specified, then each input block is copied to the output as a
+single block without any aggregation of short blocks.
- at item -h
-If the target_file or target_dir is a symbolic link, do not follow it.
-This is most useful with the -f option, to replace a symlink which may
-point to a directory.
+ at item cbs=n
+Set the conversion record size to n bytes.  The conversion record size
+is required by the record oriented conversion values.
- at item -i
-Cause ln to write a prompt to standard error if the target file
-exists.  If the response from the standard input begins with the
-character `y' or `Y', then unlink the target file so that the link may
-occur.  Otherwise, do not attempt the link.  (The -i option overrides
-any previous -f options.)
+ at item count=n
+Copy only n input blocks.
- at item -n
-Same as -h, for compatibility with other ln implementations.
+ at item files=n
+Copy n input files before terminating.  This operand is only
+applicable when the input device is a tape.
- at item -s
-Create a symbolic link.
+ at item ibs=n
+Set the input block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
- at item -v
-Cause ln to be verbose, showing files as they are processed.
- at end table
+ at item if=file
+Read input from file instead of the standard input.
-By default ln makes hard links.  A hard link to a file is
-indistinguishable from the original directory entry; any changes to a
-file are effective independent of the name used to reference the file.
-Hard links may not normally refer to directories and may not span file
+ at item obs=n
+Set the output block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
+ at item of=file
+Write output to file instead of the standard output.  Any regular
+output file is truncated unless the notrunc conversion value is
+specified.  If an initial portion of the output file is skipped (see
+the seek operand) the output file is truncated at that point.
+ at item seek=n
+Seek n blocks from the beginning of the output before copying.  On
+non-tape devices, a @i{lseek} operation is used.  Otherwise, existing
+blocks are read and the data discarded.  If the seek operation is past
+the end of file, space from the current end of file to the specified
+offset is filled with blocks of NUL bytes.
+ at item skip=n
+Skip n blocks from the beginning of the input before copying.  On
+input which supports seeks, a @i{lseek} operation is used.  Otherwise,
+input data is read and discarded.  For pipes, the correct number of
+bytes is read.  For all other devices, the correct number of blocks is
+read without distinguishing between a partial or complete block being
+ at item progress=n
+Switch on display of progress if n is set to any non-zero value.  This
+will cause a ``.'' to be printed (to the standard error output) for
+every n full or partial blocks written to the output file.
+ at item conv=value[,value...]
+Where value is one of the symbols from the following list.
+ at table @b
+ at item ascii, oldascii
+The same as the unblock value except that characters are translated
+from EBCDIC to ASCII before the records are converted.  (These values
+imply unblock if the operand cbs is also specified.)  There are two
+conversion maps for ASCII.  The value ascii specifies the recom-
+mended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX.  The value
+oldascii specifies the one used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno
-A symbolic link contains the name of the file to which it is linked.
-The referenced file is used when an @i{open} operation is performed on
-the link.  A @i{stat} on a symbolic link will return the linked-to
-file; an @i{lstat} must be done to obtain information about the link.
-The @i{readlink} call may be used to read the contents of a symbolic
-link.  Symbolic links may span file systems and may refer to
+ at item block
+Treats the input as a sequence of newline or end-of-file terminated
+variable length records independent of input and output block
+boundaries.  Any trailing newline character is discarded.  Each
+input record is converted to a fixed length output record where the
+length is specified by the cbs operand.  Input records shorter than
+the conversion record size are padded with spaces.  Input records
+longer than the conversion record size are truncated.  The number of
+truncated input records, if any, are reported to the standard error
+output at the completion of the copy.
-Given one or two arguments, ln creates a link to an existing file
-source_file.  If target_file is given, the link has that name;
-target_file may also be a directory in which to place the link;
-otherwise it is placed in the current directory.  If only the
-directory is specified, the link will be made to the last component of
+ at item ebcdic, ibm, oldebcdic, oldibm
+The same as the block value except that characters are translated from
+ASCII to EBCDIC after the records are converted.  (These values imply
+block if the operand cbs is also specified.)  There are four
+conversion maps for EBCDIC.  The value ebcdic specifies the
+recommended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX.  The
+value ibm is a slightly different mapping, which is compatible with
+the AT&T System V UNIX ibm value.  The values oldebcdic and oldibm are
+maps used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno systems.
-Given more than two arguments, ln makes links in target_dir to all the
-named source files.  The links made will have the same name as the
-files being linked to.
+ at item lcase
+Transform uppercase characters into lowercase characters.
+ at item noerror
+Do not stop processing on an input error.  When an input error occurs,
+a diagnostic message followed by the current input and output block
+counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format
+as the standard completion message.  If the sync conversion is also
+specified, any missing input data will be replaced with NUL bytes (or
+with spaces if a block oriented conversion value was specified) and
+processed as a normal input buffer.  If the sync conversion is not
+specified, the input block is omitted from the output.  On input files
+which are not tapes or pipes, the file offset will be positioned past
+the block in which the error occurred using lseek(2).
+ at item notrunc
+Do not truncate the output file.  This will preserve any blocks in the
+output file not explicitly written by dd.  The notrunc value is not
+supported for tapes.
+ at item osync
+Pad the final output block to the full output block size.  If the
+input file is not a multiple of the output block size after
+conversion, this conversion forces the final output block to be the
+same size as preceding blocks for use on devices that require
+regularly sized blocks to be written.  This option is incompatible
+with use of the bs=n block size specification.
+ at item sparse
+If one or more non-final output blocks would consist solely of NUL
+bytes, try to seek the output file by the required space instead of
+filling them with NULs.  This results in a sparse file on some file
+ at item swab
+Swap every pair of input bytes.  If an input buffer has an odd number
+of bytes, the last byte will be ignored during swapping.
+ at item sync
+Pad every input block to the input buffer size.  Spaces are used for
+pad bytes if a block oriented conversion value is specified, otherwise
+NUL bytes are used.
+ at item ucase
+Transform lowercase characters into uppercase characters.
+ at item unblock
+Treats the input as a sequence of fixed length records independent of
+input and output block boundaries.  The length of the input records is
+specified by the cbs operand.  Any trailing space characters are
+discarded and a newline character is appended.
+ at end table
+ at end table
+Where sizes are specified, a decimal number of bytes is expected.  Two
+or more numbers may be separated by an ``x'' to indicate a product.
+Each number may have one of the following optional suffixes:
+ at table @b
+ at item b
+Block; multiply by 512
+ at item k
+Kibi; multiply by 1024 (1 KiB)
+ at item m
+Mebi; multiply by 1048576 (1 MiB)
+ at item g
+Gibi; multiply by 1073741824 (1 GiB)
+ at item t
+Tebi; multiply by 1099511627776 (1 TiB)
+ at item w
+Word; multiply by the number of bytes in an integer
+ at end table
+When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input
+and output blocks, truncated input records and odd-length
+byte-swapping ritten.  Partial output blocks to tape devices are
+considered fatal errors.  Otherwise, the rest of the block will be
+written.  Partial output blocks to character devices will produce a
+warning message.  A truncated input block is one where a variable
+length record oriented conversion value was specified and the input
+line was too long to fit in the conversion record or was not newline
+Normally, data resulting from input or conversion or both are
+aggregated into output blocks of the specified size.  After the end of
+input is reached, any remaining output is written as a block.  This
+means that the final output block may be shorter than the output block
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
-The @code{ln} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
+This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
@@ -913,137 +929,110 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{dd}:
-SHLL [/] ln -s /dev/console /dev/con1
+SHLL [/] $ dd if=/nfs/boot-image of=/dev/hda1
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
 building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_LN} to have this command included.
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DD} to have this command included.
-This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_LN} when all
-shell commands have been configured.
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DD} when all shell commands have been
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_ln
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_dd
-The @code{ln} command is implemented by a C language function which
+The @code{dd} command is implemented by a C language function which
 has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_ln(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dd(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{ln} has the following
+The configuration structure for the @code{dd} has the following
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_LN_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DD_Command;
 @end example
- at subheading ORIGIN:
-The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
-are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection mknod - make device special file
+ at subsection debugrfs - debug RFS file system
- at pgindex mknod
+ at pgindex debugrfs
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b]
-      [driver | major] minor
-mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b]
-      major unit subunit
-mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b] number
-mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name p
+debugrfs [-hl] path command [options]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The mknod command creates device special files, or fifos.  Normally
-the shell script /dev/MAKEDEV is used to create special files for
-commonly known devices; it executes mknod with the appropriate
-arguments and can make all the files required for the device.
+The command provides debugging information for the RFS file system.
-To make nodes manually, the arguments are:
+The options are:
 @table @b
- at item -r
-Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect.
+ at item -h
+Print a help message.
- at item -R
-Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect.  Correct the
-mode, user and group.
+ at item -l
+List the commands.
- at item -g gid
-Specify the group for the device node.  The gid operand may be a
-numeric group ID or a group name.  If a group name is also a numeric
-group ID, the operand is used as a group name.  Precede a numeric
-group ID with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
+ at item path
+Path to the mounted RFS file system. The file system has to be mounted
+to view to use this command.
+ at end table
- at item -m mode
-Specify the mode for the device node.  The mode may be absolute or
-symbolic, see @i{chmod}.
+The commands are:
- at item -u uid
-Specify the user for the device node.  The uid operand may be a
-numeric user ID or a user name.  If a user name is also a numeric user
-ID, the operand is used as a user name.  Precede a numeric user ID
-with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
+ at table @b
+ at item block start [end]
+Display the contents of the blocks from start to end.
- at item name
-Device name, for example ``tty'' for a termios serial device or ``hd''
-for a disk.
+ at item data
+Display the file system data and configuration.
- at item  b | c | p
-Type of device.  If the device is a block type device such as a tape
-or disk drive which needs both cooked and raw special files, the type
-is b.  All other devices are character type devices, such as terminal
-and pseudo devices, and are type c.  Specifying p creates fifo files.
+ at item dir bno
+Process the block as a directory displaying the entries.
- at item driver | major
-The major device number is an integer number which tells the kernel
-which device driver entry point to use.  If the device driver is
-configured into the current kernel it may be specified by driver name
-or major number.
- at item minor
-The minor device number tells the kernel which one of several similar
-devices the node corresponds to; for example, it may be a specific
-serial port or pty.
+ at item group start [end]
+Display the group data from the start group to the end group.
- at item unit and subunit
-The unit and subunit numbers select a subset of a device; for example,
-the unit may specify a particular disk, and the subunit a partition on
-that disk.  (Currently this form of specification is only supported
-by the bsdos format, for compatibility with the BSD/OS mknod).
+ at item inode [-aef] [start] [end]
+Display the inodes between start and end. If no start and end is
+provides all inodes are displayed.
- at item number
-A single opaque device number.  Useful for netbooted computers which
-require device numbers packed in a format that isn't supported by
+ at table @b
+ at item -a
+Display all inodes. That is allocated and unallocated inodes.
+ at item -e
+Search and display on inodes that have an error.
+ at item -f
+Force display of inodes, even when in error.
+ at end table
 @end table
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
-The @code{mknod} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
+This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
@@ -1051,153 +1040,143 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{debugrfs}:
-SHLL [/] mknod c 3 0 /dev/ttyS10
+SHLL [/] $ debugrfs /c data
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
-building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKNOD} to have this command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.
+When building a custom command set, define
+command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKNOD} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mknod
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_debugrfs
-The @code{mknod} command is implemented by a C language function which
+The @code{debugrfs} command is implemented by a C language function which
 has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mknod(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_debugrfs(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{mknod} has the following
+The configuration structure for @code{debugrfs} has the following
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKNOD_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DEBUGRFS_Command;
 @end example
- at subheading ORIGIN:
-The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
-are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection chroot - change the root directory
+ at subsection df - display file system disk space usage
- at pgindex chroot
+ at pgindex df
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-chroot [dir]
+df [-h] [-B block_size]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command changes the root directory to @code{dir} for subsequent
+This command print disk space usage for mounted file systems.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
 This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
-The destination directory @code{dir} must exist.
 @subheading NOTES:
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{chroot}
-and the impact it has on the environment for subsequent
-command invocations:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{df}:
-SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
-cat: passwd: No such file or directory
-SHLL [/] $ chroot etc
-SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
-rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
-tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
-SHLL [/] $ cat /etc/passwd
-cat: /etc/passwd: No such file or directory
+SHLL [/] $ df -B 4K
+Filesystem     4K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
+/dev/rda               124         1         124         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
+SHLL [/] $ df
+Filesystem     1K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
+/dev/rda               495         1         494         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
+SHLL [/] $ df -h
+Filesystem     Size             Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
+/dev/rda              495K        1K        494K         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHROOT} to have this
-command included. Additional to that you have to add one
-POSIX key value pair for each thread where you want to use
-the command.
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DF} to have this
+command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHROOT} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DF} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chroot
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_df
-The @code{chroot} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{df} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chroot(
-  int    argc,
+int rtems_shell_main_df(
+  int argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{chroot} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{df} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHROOT_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DF_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection chmod - change permissions of a file
+ at subsection dir - alias for ls
- at pgindex chmod
+ at pgindex dir
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-chmod permissions file1 [file2...]
+dir [dir]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command changes the permissions on the files specified to the
-indicated @code{permissions}.  The permission values are POSIX based
-with owner, group, and world having individual read, write, and
-executive permission bits.
+This command is an alias or alternate name for the @code{ls}.
+See @ref{File and Directory Commands ls - list files in the directory, ls}
+for more information.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -1205,37 +1184,18 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-The @code{chmod} command only takes numeric representations of
-the permissions.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{chmod}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{dir}:
-SHLL [/] # cd etc
-SHLL [/etc] # ls
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
-4 files 202 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0777 passwd
-SHLL [/etc] # ls
--rwxrwxrwx   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
-4 files 202 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0322 passwd
-SHLL [/etc] # ls
---wx-w--w-   1 nouser   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
--rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
--rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
--rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
-4 files 202 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0644 passwd
-SHLL [/etc] # ls
+SHLL [/] $ dir
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
+2 files 1608 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] $ dir etc
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
 -rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
@@ -1245,136 +1205,573 @@ SHLL [/etc] # ls
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHMOD} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DIR} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHMOD} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DIR} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_chmod
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_dir
-The @code{chmod} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{dir} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chmod(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dir(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{chmod} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{dir} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHMOD_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DIR_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection cat - display file contents
+ at subsection fdisk - format disk
- at pgindex cat
+ at pgindex fdisk
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-cat file1 [file2 .. fileN]
- at end example
- at subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command displays the contents of the specified files.
- at subheading EXIT STATUS:
-This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
- at subheading NOTES:
-It is possible to read the input from a device file using @code{cat}.
- at subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{cat}:
- at example
-SHLL [/] # cat /etc/passwd
-rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
-tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CAT} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_FDISK} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CAT} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_FDISK} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cat
-The @code{cat} is implemented by a C language function
-which has the following prototype:
- at example
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cat(
-  int    argc,
-  char **argv
- at end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{cat} has the
-following prototype:
- at example
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CAT_Command;
- at end example
- at subsection rm - remove files
+ at subsection hexdump - ascii/dec/hex/octal dump
- at pgindex rm
+ at pgindex hexdump
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-rm file1 [file2 ... fileN]
+hexdump [-bcCdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_file] [-n length]
+        [-s skip] file ...
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command deletes a name from the filesystem.  If the specified file name
-was the last link to a file and there are no @code{open} file descriptor
-references to that file, then it is deleted and the associated space in
-the file system is made available for subsequent use.
+The hexdump utility is a filter which displays the specified files, or
+the standard input, if no files are specified, in a user specified
+The options are as follows:
+ at table @b
+ at item -b
+One-byte octal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
+followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, zero-filled, bytes
+of input data, in octal, per line.
+ at item -c
+One-byte character display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
+followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, space-filled,
+characters of input data per line.
+ at item -C
+Canonical hex+ASCII display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
+followed by sixteen space-separated, two column, hexadecimal bytes,
+followed by the same sixteen bytes in %_p format enclosed in ``|''
+ at item -d
+Two-byte decimal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
+followed by eight space-separated, five column, zero-filled, two-byte
+units of input data, in unsigned decimal, per line.
+ at item -e format_string
+Specify a format string to be used for displaying data.
+ at item -f format_file
+Specify a file that contains one or more newline separated format
+strings.  Empty lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a
+hash mark (#) are ignored.
+ at item -n length
+Interpret only length bytes of input.
+ at item -o
+Two-byte octal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
+followed by eight space-separated, six column, zerofilled, two byte
+quantities of input data, in octal, per line.
+ at item -s offset
+Skip offset bytes from the beginning of the input.  By default, offset
+is interpreted as a decimal number.  With a leading 0x or 0X, offset
+is interpreted as a hexadecimal number, otherwise, with a leading 0,
+offset is interpreted as an octal number.  Appending the character b,
+k, or m to offset causes it to be interpreted as a multiple of 512,
+1024, or 1048576, respectively.
+ at item -v
+The -v option causes hexdump to display all input data.  Without the
+-v option, any number of groups of output lines, which would be
+identical to the immediately preceding group of output lines (except
+for the input offsets), are replaced with a line containing a single
+ at item -x
+Two-byte hexadecimal display.  Display the input offset in
+hexadecimal, followed by eight, space separated, four column,
+zero-filled, two-byte quantities of input data, in hexadecimal, per
+ at end table
+For each input file, hexdump sequentially copies the input to standard
+output, transforming the data according to the format strings
+specified by the -e and -f options, in the order that they were
+ at b{Formats}
+A format string contains any number of format units, separated by
+whitespace.  A format unit contains up to three items: an iteration
+count, a byte count, and a format.
+The iteration count is an optional positive integer, which defaults to
+one.  Each format is applied iteration count times.
+The byte count is an optional positive integer.  If specified it
+defines the number of bytes to be interpreted by each iteration of the
+If an iteration count and/or a byte count is specified, a single slash
+must be placed after the iteration count and/or before the byte count
+to disambiguate them.  Any whitespace before or after the slash is
+The format is required and must be surrounded by double quote (`` ``)
+marks.  It is interpreted as a fprintf-style format string (see
+ at i{fprintf}), with the following exceptions:
+ at itemize @bullet
+ at item
+An asterisk (*) may not be used as a field width or precision.
+ at item
+A byte count or field precision is required for each ``s'' con-
+version character (unlike the fprintf(3) default which prints the
+entire string if the precision is unspecified).
+ at item
+The conversion characters ``h'', ``l'', ``n'', ``p'' and ``q'' are not
+ at item
+The single character escape sequences described in the C standard
+are supported:
+ at quotation
+NUL                  \0
+<alert character>    \a
+<backspace>          \b
+<form-feed>          \f
+<newline>            \n
+<carriage return>    \r
+<tab>                \t
+<vertical tab>       \v
+ at end quotation
+ at end itemize
+Hexdump also supports the following additional conversion strings:
+ at table @b
+ at item _a[dox]
+Display the input offset, cumulative across input files, of the next
+byte to be displayed.  The appended characters d, o, and x specify the
+display base as decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively.
+ at item _A[dox]
+Identical to the _a conversion string except that it is only performed
+once, when all of the input data has been processed.
+ at item _c
+Output characters in the default character set.  Nonprinting
+characters are displayed in three character, zero-padded octal, except
+for those representable by standard escape notation (see above), which
+are displayed as two character strings.
+ at item _p
+Output characters in the default character set.  Nonprinting
+characters are displayed as a single ``.''.
+ at item _u
+Output US ASCII characters, with the exception that control characters
+are displayed using the following, lower-case, names.  Characters
+greater than 0xff, hexadecimal, are displayed as hexadecimal
+000 nul  001 soh  002 stx  003 etx  004 eot  005 enq
+006 ack  007 bel  008 bs   009 ht   00A lf   00B vt
+00C ff   00D cr   00E so   00F si   010 dle  011 dc1
+012 dc2  013 dc3  014 dc4  015 nak  016 syn  017 etb
+018 can  019 em   01A sub  01B esc  01C fs   01D gs
+01E rs   01F us   07F del
+ at end table
+The default and supported byte counts for the conversion characters
+are as follows:
+ at quotation
+%_c, %_p, %_u, %c       One byte counts only.
+%d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x  Four byte default, one, two, four
+                        and eight byte counts supported.
+%E, %e, %f, %G, %g      Eight byte default, four byte
+                        counts supported.
+ at end quotation
+The amount of data interpreted by each format string is the sum of the
+data required by each format unit, which is the iteration count times
+the byte count, or the iteration count times the number of bytes
+required by the format if the byte count is not specified.
+The input is manipulated in ``blocks'', where a block is defined as
+the largest amount of data specified by any format string.  Format
+strings interpreting less than an input block's worth of data, whose
+last format unit both interprets some number of bytes and does not
+have a specified iteration count, have the iteration count incremented
+until the entire input block has been processed or there is not enough
+data remaining in the block to satisfy the format string.
+If, either as a result of user specification or hexdump modifying the
+iteration count as described above, an iteration count is greater than
+one, no trailing whitespace characters are output during the last
+It is an error to specify a byte count as well as multiple conversion
+characters or strings unless all but one of the conversion characters
+or strings is _a or _A.
+If, as a result of the specification of the -n option or end-of-file
+being reached, input data only partially satisfies a format string,
+the input block is zero-padded sufficiently to display all available
+data (i.e. any format units overlapping the end of data will display
+some num- ber of the zero bytes).
+Further output by such format strings is replaced by an equivalent
+number of spaces.  An equivalent number of spaces is defined as the
+number of spaces output by an s conversion character with the same
+field width and precision as the original conversion character or
+conversion string but with any ``+'', `` '', ``#'' conversion flag
+characters removed, and ref- erencing a NULL string.
+If no format strings are specified, the default display is equivalent
+to specifying the -x option.
+ at subheading EXIT STATUS:
+This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
+ at subheading NOTES:
+ at subheading EXAMPLES:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{hexdump}:
+ at example
+SHLL [/] $ hexdump -C -n 512 /dev/hda1
+ at end example
+ at subheading CONFIGURATION:
+This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
+building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_HEXDUMP} to have this command included.
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_HEXDUMP} when all shell commands have
+been configured.
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_hexdump
+The @code{hexdump} command is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
+ at example
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_hexdump(
+  int    argc,
+  char **argv
+ at end example
+The configuration structure for the @code{hexdump} has the following
+ at example
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_HEXDUMP_Command;
+ at end example
+ at c
+ at c
+ at c
+ at page
+ at subsection ln - make links
+ at pgindex ln
+ at subheading SYNOPSYS:
+ at example
+ln [-fhinsv] source_file [target_file]
+ln [-fhinsv] source_file ... target_dir
+ at end example
+ at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+The ln utility creates a new directory entry (linked file) which has
+the same modes as the original file.  It is useful for maintaining
+multiple copies of a file in many places at once without using up
+storage for the ``copies''; instead, a link ``points'' to the original
+copy.  There are two types of links; hard links and symbolic links.
+How a link ``points'' to a file is one of the differences between a
+hard or symbolic link.
+The options are as follows:
+ at table @b
+ at item -f
+Unlink any already existing file, permitting the link to occur.
+ at item -h
+If the target_file or target_dir is a symbolic link, do not follow it.
+This is most useful with the -f option, to replace a symlink which may
+point to a directory.
+ at item -i
+Cause ln to write a prompt to standard error if the target file
+exists.  If the response from the standard input begins with the
+character `y' or `Y', then unlink the target file so that the link may
+occur.  Otherwise, do not attempt the link.  (The -i option overrides
+any previous -f options.)
+ at item -n
+Same as -h, for compatibility with other ln implementations.
+ at item -s
+Create a symbolic link.
+ at item -v
+Cause ln to be verbose, showing files as they are processed.
+ at end table
+By default ln makes hard links.  A hard link to a file is
+indistinguishable from the original directory entry; any changes to a
+file are effective independent of the name used to reference the file.
+Hard links may not normally refer to directories and may not span file
+A symbolic link contains the name of the file to which it is linked.
+The referenced file is used when an @i{open} operation is performed on
+the link.  A @i{stat} on a symbolic link will return the linked-to
+file; an @i{lstat} must be done to obtain information about the link.
+The @i{readlink} call may be used to read the contents of a symbolic
+link.  Symbolic links may span file systems and may refer to
+Given one or two arguments, ln creates a link to an existing file
+source_file.  If target_file is given, the link has that name;
+target_file may also be a directory in which to place the link;
+otherwise it is placed in the current directory.  If only the
+directory is specified, the link will be made to the last component of
+Given more than two arguments, ln makes links in target_dir to all the
+named source files.  The links made will have the same name as the
+files being linked to.
+ at subheading EXIT STATUS:
+The @code{ln} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
+ at subheading NOTES:
+ at subheading EXAMPLES:
+ at example
+SHLL [/] ln -s /dev/console /dev/con1
+ at end example
+ at subheading CONFIGURATION:
+This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
+building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_LN} to have this command included.
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_LN} when all
+shell commands have been configured.
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_ln
+The @code{ln} command is implemented by a C language function which
+has the following prototype:
+ at example
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_ln(
+  int    argc,
+  char **argv
+ at end example
+The configuration structure for the @code{ln} has the following
+ at example
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_LN_Command;
+ at end example
+ at subheading ORIGIN:
+The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
+are from NetBSD 4.0.
+ at c
+ at c
+ at c
+ at page
+ at subsection ls - list files in the directory
+ at pgindex ls
+ at subheading SYNOPSYS:
+ at example
+ls [dir]
+ at end example
+ at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+This command displays the contents of the specified directory.  If
+no arguments are given, then it displays the contents of the current
+working directory.
+ at subheading EXIT STATUS:
+This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
+ at subheading NOTES:
+This command currently does not display information on a set of
+files like the POSIX ls(1).  It only displays the contents of
+entire directories.
+ at subheading EXAMPLES:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{ls}:
+ at example
+SHLL [/] $ ls
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
+2 files 1608 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] $ ls etc
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
+4 files 202 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] $ ls dev etc
+-rwxr-xr-x   1  rtems   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console
+-rwxr-xr-x   1   root   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console_b
+ at end example
+ at subheading CONFIGURATION:
+This command is included in the default shell command set.
+When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_LS} to have this
+command included.
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_LS} when all
+shell commands have been configured.
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_ls
+The @code{ls} is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
+ at example
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_ls(
+  int    argc,
+  char **argv
+ at end example
-If the filename specified was the last link to a file but there
-are open file descriptor references to it, then the file will
-remain in existence until the last file descriptor referencing
-it is closed.
+The configuration structure for the @code{ls} has the
+following prototype:
+ at example
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_LS_Command;
+ at end example
+ at c
+ at c
+ at c
+ at page
+ at subsection md5 - compute the Md5 hash of a file or list of files
+ at pgindex md5
+ at subheading SYNOPSYS:
+ at example
+md5 <files>
+ at end example
+ at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+This command prints the MD5 of a file. You can provide one or more
+files on the command line and a hash for each file is printed in a
+single line of output.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -1386,86 +1783,68 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{rm}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{md5}:
-SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmpfile
-SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
-rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
-tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
-SHLL [/] # rm tmpfile
-SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
-cat: tmpfile: No such file or directory
+SHLL [/] $ md5 shell-init
+MD5 (shell-init) = 43b4d2e71b47db79eae679a2efeacf31
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RM} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MD5} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RM} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MD5} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_rm
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_md5
-The @code{rm} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{df} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_rm(
-  int    argc,
+int rtems_shell_main_md5(
+  int argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{rm} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{md5} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RM_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MD5_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection mount - mount disk
+ at subsection mkdir - create a directory
- at pgindex mount
+ at pgindex mkdir
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-mount [-t fstype] [-r] [-L] device path
+mkdir  dir [dir1 .. dirN]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The @code{mount} command will mount a block device to a mount point
-using the specified file system. The files systems are:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item msdos - MSDOS File System
- at item tftp  - TFTP Network File System
- at item ftp   - FTP Network File System
- at item nfs   - Network File System
- at item rfs   - RTEMS File System
- at end itemize
-When the file system type is 'msdos' or 'rfs' the driver is a "block
-device driver" node present in the file system. The driver is ignored
-with the 'tftp' and 'ftp' file systems. For the 'nfs' file system the
-driver is the 'host:/path' string that described NFS host and the
-exported file system path.
+This command creates the set of directories in the order they
+are specified on the command line.  If an error is encountered
+making one of the directories, the command will continue to
+attempt to create the remaining directories on the command line.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -1473,115 +1852,91 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-The mount point must exist.
+If this command is invoked with no arguments, nothing occurs.
-The services offered by each file-system vary. For example you cannot list the
-directory of a TFTP file-system as this server is not provided in the TFTP
-protocol. You need to check each file-system's documentation for the services
+The user must have sufficient permissions to create the directory.
+For the @code{fileio} test provided with RTEMS, this means the user
+must login as @code{root} not @code{rtems}.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-Mount the Flash Disk driver to the '/fd' mount point:
- at example
-SHLL [/] $ mount -t msdos /dev/flashdisk0 /fd
- at end example
-Mount the NFS file system exported path 'bar' by host 'foo':
- at example
-$ mount -t nfs foo:/bar /nfs
- at end example
-Mount the TFTP file system on '/tftp':
- at example
-$ mount -t tftp /tftp
- at end example
-To access the TFTP files on server '':
+The following is an example of how to use @code{mkdir}:
-$ cat /tftp/
+SHLL [/] # ls
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
+drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
+2 files 1608 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] # mkdir joel
+SHLL [/] # ls joel
+0 files 0 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
+SHLL [/] # ls joel
+-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:02 passwd
+1 files 102 bytes occupied
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MOUNT} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKDIR} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MOUNT} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKDIR} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
-The mount command includes references to file-system code. If you do not wish
-to include file-system that you do not use do not define the mount command
-support for that file-system. The file-system mount command defines are:
- at itemize @bullet
- at end itemize
-An example configuration is:
- at example
- at end example
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mount
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdir
-The @code{mount} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{mkdir} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mount(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdir(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{mount} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{mkdir} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MOUNT_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKDIR_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection unmount - unmount disk
+ at subsection mldos - DOSFS file system format
- at pgindex unmount
+ at pgindex pwd
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-unmount path
+mkdir [-V label] [-s sectors/cluster] [-r size] [-v] path
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command unmounts the device at the specified @code{path}.
+This command formats a block device entry with the DOSFS file system.
+ at table @b
+ at item -V label
+ at item -s sectors/cluster
+ at item -r size
+ at end table
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -1589,72 +1944,139 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
-TBD - Surely there must be some warnings to go here.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{unmount}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{mkdos}:
+SHLL [/] $ mkdos /dev/rda1
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKDOS} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UNMOUNT} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKDOS} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_unmount
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdos
-The @code{unmount} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{mkdos} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_unmount(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdos(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{unmount} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{mkdos} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UNMOUNT_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKDOS_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection blksync - sync the block driver
+ at subsection mknod - make device special file
- at pgindex blksync
+ at pgindex mknod
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
- at example
-blksync driver
- at end example
+ at example
+mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b]
+      [driver | major] minor
+mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b]
+      major unit subunit
+mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b] number
+mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name p
+ at end example
+ at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+The mknod command creates device special files, or fifos.  Normally
+the shell script /dev/MAKEDEV is used to create special files for
+commonly known devices; it executes mknod with the appropriate
+arguments and can make all the files required for the device.
+To make nodes manually, the arguments are:
+ at table @b
+ at item -r
+Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect.
+ at item -R
+Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect.  Correct the
+mode, user and group.
+ at item -g gid
+Specify the group for the device node.  The gid operand may be a
+numeric group ID or a group name.  If a group name is also a numeric
+group ID, the operand is used as a group name.  Precede a numeric
+group ID with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
+ at item -m mode
+Specify the mode for the device node.  The mode may be absolute or
+symbolic, see @i{chmod}.
+ at item -u uid
+Specify the user for the device node.  The uid operand may be a
+numeric user ID or a user name.  If a user name is also a numeric user
+ID, the operand is used as a user name.  Precede a numeric user ID
+with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
+ at item name
+Device name, for example ``tty'' for a termios serial device or ``hd''
+for a disk.
+ at item  b | c | p
+Type of device.  If the device is a block type device such as a tape
+or disk drive which needs both cooked and raw special files, the type
+is b.  All other devices are character type devices, such as terminal
+and pseudo devices, and are type c.  Specifying p creates fifo files.
+ at item driver | major
+The major device number is an integer number which tells the kernel
+which device driver entry point to use.  If the device driver is
+configured into the current kernel it may be specified by driver name
+or major number.
+ at item minor
+The minor device number tells the kernel which one of several similar
+devices the node corresponds to; for example, it may be a specific
+serial port or pty.
- at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+ at item unit and subunit
+The unit and subunit numbers select a subset of a device; for example,
+the unit may specify a particular disk, and the subunit a partition on
+that disk.  (Currently this form of specification is only supported
+by the bsdos format, for compatibility with the BSD/OS mknod).
-This command XXX
+ at item number
+A single opaque device number.  Useful for netbooted computers which
+require device numbers packed in a format that isn't supported by
+ at end table
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
-This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
+The @code{mknod} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
 @subheading NOTES:
@@ -1662,246 +2084,102 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{blksync}:
+SHLL [/] mknod c 3 0 /dev/ttyS10
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.
-When building a custom command set, define
-command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
+building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKNOD} to have this command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_BLKSYNC} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKNOD} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_blksync
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mknod
-The @code{blksync} is implemented by a C language function
-which has the following prototype:
+The @code{mknod} command is implemented by a C language function which
+has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_blksync(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mknod(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{blksync} has the
-following prototype:
+The configuration structure for the @code{mknod} has the following
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_BLKSYNC_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKNOD_Command;
 @end example
+ at subheading ORIGIN:
+The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
+are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection dd - convert and copy a file
+ at subsection mkrfs - format RFS file system
- at pgindex dd
+ at pgindex mkrfs
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-dd [operands ...]
+mkrfs [-vsbiIo] device
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output.
-Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks.  If input reads are
-short, input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output
-block.  When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial
-input and output blocks and truncated input records to the standard
-error output.
-The following operands are available:
- at table @b
- at item bs=n
-Set both input and output block size, superseding the ibs and obs
-operands.  If no conversion values other than noerror, notrunc or sync
-are specified, then each input block is copied to the output as a
-single block without any aggregation of short blocks.
- at item cbs=n
-Set the conversion record size to n bytes.  The conversion record size
-is required by the record oriented conversion values.
- at item count=n
-Copy only n input blocks.
- at item files=n
-Copy n input files before terminating.  This operand is only
-applicable when the input device is a tape.
- at item ibs=n
-Set the input block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
- at item if=file
-Read input from file instead of the standard input.
- at item obs=n
-Set the output block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
- at item of=file
-Write output to file instead of the standard output.  Any regular
-output file is truncated unless the notrunc conversion value is
-specified.  If an initial portion of the output file is skipped (see
-the seek operand) the output file is truncated at that point.
- at item seek=n
-Seek n blocks from the beginning of the output before copying.  On
-non-tape devices, a @i{lseek} operation is used.  Otherwise, existing
-blocks are read and the data discarded.  If the seek operation is past
-the end of file, space from the current end of file to the specified
-offset is filled with blocks of NUL bytes.
- at item skip=n
-Skip n blocks from the beginning of the input before copying.  On
-input which supports seeks, a @i{lseek} operation is used.  Otherwise,
-input data is read and discarded.  For pipes, the correct number of
-bytes is read.  For all other devices, the correct number of blocks is
-read without distinguishing between a partial or complete block being
+Format the block device with the RTEMS File System (RFS). The default
+configuration with not parameters selects a suitable block size based
+on the size of the media being formatted.
- at item progress=n
-Switch on display of progress if n is set to any non-zero value.  This
-will cause a ``.'' to be printed (to the standard error output) for
-every n full or partial blocks written to the output file.
+The media is broken up into groups of blocks. The number of blocks in
+a group is based on the number of bits a block contains. The large a
+block the more blocks a group contains and the fewer groups in the
+file system.
- at item conv=value[,value...]
-Where value is one of the symbols from the following list.
+The following options are provided:
 @table @b
- at item ascii, oldascii
-The same as the unblock value except that characters are translated
-from EBCDIC to ASCII before the records are converted.  (These values
-imply unblock if the operand cbs is also specified.)  There are two
-conversion maps for ASCII.  The value ascii specifies the recom-
-mended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX.  The value
-oldascii specifies the one used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno
- at item block
-Treats the input as a sequence of newline or end-of-file terminated
-variable length records independent of input and output block
-boundaries.  Any trailing newline character is discarded.  Each
-input record is converted to a fixed length output record where the
-length is specified by the cbs operand.  Input records shorter than
-the conversion record size are padded with spaces.  Input records
-longer than the conversion record size are truncated.  The number of
-truncated input records, if any, are reported to the standard error
-output at the completion of the copy.
- at item ebcdic, ibm, oldebcdic, oldibm
-The same as the block value except that characters are translated from
-ASCII to EBCDIC after the records are converted.  (These values imply
-block if the operand cbs is also specified.)  There are four
-conversion maps for EBCDIC.  The value ebcdic specifies the
-recommended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX.  The
-value ibm is a slightly different mapping, which is compatible with
-the AT&T System V UNIX ibm value.  The values oldebcdic and oldibm are
-maps used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno systems.
- at item lcase
-Transform uppercase characters into lowercase characters.
- at item noerror
-Do not stop processing on an input error.  When an input error occurs,
-a diagnostic message followed by the current input and output block
-counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format
-as the standard completion message.  If the sync conversion is also
-specified, any missing input data will be replaced with NUL bytes (or
-with spaces if a block oriented conversion value was specified) and
-processed as a normal input buffer.  If the sync conversion is not
-specified, the input block is omitted from the output.  On input files
-which are not tapes or pipes, the file offset will be positioned past
-the block in which the error occurred using lseek(2).
- at item notrunc
-Do not truncate the output file.  This will preserve any blocks in the
-output file not explicitly written by dd.  The notrunc value is not
-supported for tapes.
- at item osync
-Pad the final output block to the full output block size.  If the
-input file is not a multiple of the output block size after
-conversion, this conversion forces the final output block to be the
-same size as preceding blocks for use on devices that require
-regularly sized blocks to be written.  This option is incompatible
-with use of the bs=n block size specification.
- at item sparse
-If one or more non-final output blocks would consist solely of NUL
-bytes, try to seek the output file by the required space instead of
-filling them with NULs.  This results in a sparse file on some file
- at item swab
-Swap every pair of input bytes.  If an input buffer has an odd number
-of bytes, the last byte will be ignored during swapping.
- at item sync
-Pad every input block to the input buffer size.  Spaces are used for
-pad bytes if a block oriented conversion value is specified, otherwise
-NUL bytes are used.
+ at item -v
+Display configuration and progress of the format.
- at item ucase
-Transform lowercase characters into uppercase characters.
+ at item -s
+Set the block size in bytes.
- at item unblock
-Treats the input as a sequence of fixed length records independent of
-input and output block boundaries.  The length of the input records is
-specified by the cbs operand.  Any trailing space characters are
-discarded and a newline character is appended.
- at end table
- at end table
+ at item -b
+The number of blocks in a group. The block count must be equal or less
+than the number of bits in a block.
-Where sizes are specified, a decimal number of bytes is expected.  Two
-or more numbers may be separated by an ``x'' to indicate a product.
-Each number may have one of the following optional suffixes:
- at table @b
- at item b
-Block; multiply by 512
- at item k
-Kibi; multiply by 1024 (1 KiB)
- at item m
-Mebi; multiply by 1048576 (1 MiB)
- at item g
-Gibi; multiply by 1073741824 (1 GiB)
- at item t
-Tebi; multiply by 1099511627776 (1 TiB)
- at item w
-Word; multiply by the number of bytes in an integer
- at end table
+ at item -i
+Number of inodes in a group. The inode count must be equal or less
+than the number of bits in a block.
-When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input
-and output blocks, truncated input records and odd-length
-byte-swapping ritten.  Partial output blocks to tape devices are
-considered fatal errors.  Otherwise, the rest of the block will be
-written.  Partial output blocks to character devices will produce a
-warning message.  A truncated input block is one where a variable
-length record oriented conversion value was specified and the input
-line was too long to fit in the conversion record or was not newline
+ at item -I
+Initialise the inodes. The default is not to initialise the inodes and
+to rely on the inode being initialised when allocated. Initialising
+the inode table helps recovery if a problem appears.
-Normally, data resulting from input or conversion or both are
-aggregated into output blocks of the specified size.  After the end of
-input is reached, any remaining output is written as a block.  This
-means that the final output block may be shorter than the output block
+ at item -o
+Integer percentage of the media used by inodes. The default is 1%.
+ at item device
+Path of the device to format.
+ at end table
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -1913,267 +2191,79 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{dd}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{mkrfs}:
-SHLL [/] $ dd if=/nfs/boot-image of=/dev/hda1
+SHLL [/] $ mkrfs /dev/fdda
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
-building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DD} to have this command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.
+When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKRFS} to have this
+command included.
-This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DD} when all shell commands have been
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKRFS} when all
+shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_dd
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkrfs
-The @code{dd} command is implemented by a C language function which
+The @code{mkrfs} command is implemented by a C language function which
 has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dd(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkrfs(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{dd} has the following
+The configuration structure for @code{mkrfs} has the following
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DD_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKRFS_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection hexdump - ascii/dec/hex/octal dump
+ at subsection mount - mount disk
- at pgindex hexdump
+ at pgindex mount
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-hexdump [-bcCdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_file] [-n length]
-        [-s skip] file ...
+mount [-t fstype] [-r] [-L] device path
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The hexdump utility is a filter which displays the specified files, or
-the standard input, if no files are specified, in a user specified
-The options are as follows:
- at table @b
- at item -b
-One-byte octal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
-followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, zero-filled, bytes
-of input data, in octal, per line.
- at item -c
-One-byte character display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
-followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, space-filled,
-characters of input data per line.
- at item -C
-Canonical hex+ASCII display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
-followed by sixteen space-separated, two column, hexadecimal bytes,
-followed by the same sixteen bytes in %_p format enclosed in ``|''
- at item -d
-Two-byte decimal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
-followed by eight space-separated, five column, zero-filled, two-byte
-units of input data, in unsigned decimal, per line.
- at item -e format_string
-Specify a format string to be used for displaying data.
- at item -f format_file
-Specify a file that contains one or more newline separated format
-strings.  Empty lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a
-hash mark (#) are ignored.
- at item -n length
-Interpret only length bytes of input.
- at item -o
-Two-byte octal display.  Display the input offset in hexadecimal,
-followed by eight space-separated, six column, zerofilled, two byte
-quantities of input data, in octal, per line.
- at item -s offset
-Skip offset bytes from the beginning of the input.  By default, offset
-is interpreted as a decimal number.  With a leading 0x or 0X, offset
-is interpreted as a hexadecimal number, otherwise, with a leading 0,
-offset is interpreted as an octal number.  Appending the character b,
-k, or m to offset causes it to be interpreted as a multiple of 512,
-1024, or 1048576, respectively.
- at item -v
-The -v option causes hexdump to display all input data.  Without the
--v option, any number of groups of output lines, which would be
-identical to the immediately preceding group of output lines (except
-for the input offsets), are replaced with a line containing a single
- at item -x
-Two-byte hexadecimal display.  Display the input offset in
-hexadecimal, followed by eight, space separated, four column,
-zero-filled, two-byte quantities of input data, in hexadecimal, per
- at end table
-For each input file, hexdump sequentially copies the input to standard
-output, transforming the data according to the format strings
-specified by the -e and -f options, in the order that they were
- at b{Formats}
-A format string contains any number of format units, separated by
-whitespace.  A format unit contains up to three items: an iteration
-count, a byte count, and a format.
-The iteration count is an optional positive integer, which defaults to
-one.  Each format is applied iteration count times.
-The byte count is an optional positive integer.  If specified it
-defines the number of bytes to be interpreted by each iteration of the
-If an iteration count and/or a byte count is specified, a single slash
-must be placed after the iteration count and/or before the byte count
-to disambiguate them.  Any whitespace before or after the slash is
-The format is required and must be surrounded by double quote (`` ``)
-marks.  It is interpreted as a fprintf-style format string (see
- at i{fprintf}), with the following exceptions:
+The @code{mount} command will mount a block device to a mount point
+using the specified file system. The files systems are:
 @itemize @bullet
- at item
-An asterisk (*) may not be used as a field width or precision.
- at item
-A byte count or field precision is required for each ``s'' con-
-version character (unlike the fprintf(3) default which prints the
-entire string if the precision is unspecified).
- at item
-The conversion characters ``h'', ``l'', ``n'', ``p'' and ``q'' are not
- at item
-The single character escape sequences described in the C standard
-are supported:
- at quotation
-NUL                  \0
-<alert character>    \a
-<backspace>          \b
-<form-feed>          \f
-<newline>            \n
-<carriage return>    \r
-<tab>                \t
-<vertical tab>       \v
- at end quotation
- at end itemize
-Hexdump also supports the following additional conversion strings:
- at table @b
- at item _a[dox]
-Display the input offset, cumulative across input files, of the next
-byte to be displayed.  The appended characters d, o, and x specify the
-display base as decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively.
- at item _A[dox]
-Identical to the _a conversion string except that it is only performed
-once, when all of the input data has been processed.
- at item _c
-Output characters in the default character set.  Nonprinting
-characters are displayed in three character, zero-padded octal, except
-for those representable by standard escape notation (see above), which
-are displayed as two character strings.
- at item _p
-Output characters in the default character set.  Nonprinting
-characters are displayed as a single ``.''.
- at item _u
-Output US ASCII characters, with the exception that control characters
-are displayed using the following, lower-case, names.  Characters
-greater than 0xff, hexadecimal, are displayed as hexadecimal
-000 nul  001 soh  002 stx  003 etx  004 eot  005 enq
-006 ack  007 bel  008 bs   009 ht   00A lf   00B vt
-00C ff   00D cr   00E so   00F si   010 dle  011 dc1
-012 dc2  013 dc3  014 dc4  015 nak  016 syn  017 etb
-018 can  019 em   01A sub  01B esc  01C fs   01D gs
-01E rs   01F us   07F del
- at end table
-The default and supported byte counts for the conversion characters
-are as follows:
- at quotation
-%_c, %_p, %_u, %c       One byte counts only.
-%d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x  Four byte default, one, two, four
-                        and eight byte counts supported.
-%E, %e, %f, %G, %g      Eight byte default, four byte
-                        counts supported.
- at end quotation
-The amount of data interpreted by each format string is the sum of the
-data required by each format unit, which is the iteration count times
-the byte count, or the iteration count times the number of bytes
-required by the format if the byte count is not specified.
-The input is manipulated in ``blocks'', where a block is defined as
-the largest amount of data specified by any format string.  Format
-strings interpreting less than an input block's worth of data, whose
-last format unit both interprets some number of bytes and does not
-have a specified iteration count, have the iteration count incremented
-until the entire input block has been processed or there is not enough
-data remaining in the block to satisfy the format string.
-If, either as a result of user specification or hexdump modifying the
-iteration count as described above, an iteration count is greater than
-one, no trailing whitespace characters are output during the last
-It is an error to specify a byte count as well as multiple conversion
-characters or strings unless all but one of the conversion characters
-or strings is _a or _A.
-If, as a result of the specification of the -n option or end-of-file
-being reached, input data only partially satisfies a format string,
-the input block is zero-padded sufficiently to display all available
-data (i.e. any format units overlapping the end of data will display
-some num- ber of the zero bytes).
-Further output by such format strings is replaced by an equivalent
-number of spaces.  An equivalent number of spaces is defined as the
-number of spaces output by an s conversion character with the same
-field width and precision as the original conversion character or
-conversion string but with any ``+'', `` '', ``#'' conversion flag
-characters removed, and ref- erencing a NULL string.
+ at item msdos - MSDOS File System
+ at item tftp  - TFTP Network File System
+ at item ftp   - FTP Network File System
+ at item nfs   - Network File System
+ at item rfs   - RTEMS File System
+ at end itemize
-If no format strings are specified, the default display is equivalent
-to specifying the -x option.
+When the file system type is 'msdos' or 'rfs' the driver is a "block
+device driver" node present in the file system. The driver is ignored
+with the 'tftp' and 'ftp' file systems. For the 'nfs' file system the
+driver is the 'host:/path' string that described NFS host and the
+exported file system path.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2181,101 +2271,169 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
+The mount point must exist.
+The services offered by each file-system vary. For example you cannot list the
+directory of a TFTP file-system as this server is not provided in the TFTP
+protocol. You need to check each file-system's documentation for the services
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{hexdump}:
+Mount the Flash Disk driver to the '/fd' mount point:
-SHLL [/] $ hexdump -C -n 512 /dev/hda1
+SHLL [/] $ mount -t msdos /dev/flashdisk0 /fd
+ at end example
+Mount the NFS file system exported path 'bar' by host 'foo':
+ at example
+$ mount -t nfs foo:/bar /nfs
+ at end example
+Mount the TFTP file system on '/tftp':
+ at example
+$ mount -t tftp /tftp
+ at end example
+To access the TFTP files on server '':
+ at example
+$ cat /tftp/
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
-building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_HEXDUMP} to have this command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.
+When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MOUNT} to have this
+command included.
-This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_HEXDUMP} when all shell commands have
-been configured.
+This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MOUNT} when all
+shell commands have been configured.
+The mount command includes references to file-system code. If you do not wish
+to include file-system that you do not use do not define the mount command
+support for that file-system. The file-system mount command defines are:
+ at itemize @bullet
+ at end itemize
+An example configuration is:
+ at example
+ at end example
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_hexdump
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mount
-The @code{hexdump} command is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{mount} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_hexdump(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mount(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{hexdump} has the following
+The configuration structure for the @code{mount} has the
+following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_HEXDUMP_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MOUNT_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection fdisk - format disk
+ at subsection mv - move files
- at pgindex fdisk
+ at pgindex mv
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
+mv [-fiv] source_file target_file
+mv [-fiv] source_file... target_file
 @end example
- at subheading CONFIGURATION:
+ at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source
+operand to the destination path named by the target operand.  This
+form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already
+existing directory.
-This command is included in the default shell command set.
-When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_FDISK} to have this
-command included.
+In its second form, mv moves each file named by a source operand to a
+destination file in the existing directory named by the directory
+operand.  The destination path for each operand is the pathname
+produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the
+final pathname component of the named file.
-This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_FDISK} when all
-shell commands have been configured.
+The following options are available:
- at c
- at c
- at c
- at page
- at subsection dir - alias for ls
+ at table @b
+ at item -f
+Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination
- at pgindex dir
+ at item -i
+Causes mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file
+that would overwrite an existing file.  If the response from the
+standard input begins with the character 'y', the move is attempted.
- at subheading SYNOPSYS:
+ at item -v
+Cause mv to be verbose, showing files as they are processed.
- at example
-dir [dir]
- at end example
+ at end table
- at subheading DESCRIPTION:
+The last of any -f or -i options is the one which affects mv's
-This command is an alias or alternate name for the @code{ls}.
-See @ref{File and Directory Commands ls - list files in the directory, ls}
-for more information.
+It is an error for any of the source operands to specify a nonexistent
+file or directory.
+It is an error for the source operand to specify a directory if the
+target exists and is not a directory.
+If the destination path does not have a mode which permits writing, mv
+prompts the user for confirmation as specified for the -i option.
+Should the @b{rename} call fail because source and target are on
+different file systems, @code{mv} will remove the destination file,
+copy the source file to the destination, and then remove the source.
+The effect is roughly equivalent to:
+ at example
+rm -f destination_path && \
+cp -PRp source_file destination_path && \
+rm -rf source_file
+ at end example
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
-This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
+The @code{mv} utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
 @subheading NOTES:
@@ -2283,109 +2441,67 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{dir}:
-SHLL [/] $ dir
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
-drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
-2 files 1608 bytes occupied
-SHLL [/] $ dir etc
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
--rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
-4 files 202 bytes occupied
+SHLL [/] mv /dev/console /dev/con1
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
-This command is included in the default shell command set.
-When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DIR} to have this
-command included.
+This command is included in the default shell command set.  When
+building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MV} to have this command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DIR} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MV} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_dir
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mv
-The @code{dir} is implemented by a C language function
-which has the following prototype:
+The @code{mv} command is implemented by a C language function which
+has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dir(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mv(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{dir} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{mv} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DIR_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MV_Command;
 @end example
+ at subheading ORIGIN:
+The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command
+are from NetBSD 4.0.
- at subsection mkrfs - format RFS file system
+ at subsection pwd - print work directory
- at pgindex mkrfs
+ at pgindex pwd
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-mkrfs [-vsbiIo] device
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-Format the block device with the RTEMS File System (RFS). The default
-configuration with not parameters selects a suitable block size based
-on the size of the media being formatted.
-The media is broken up into groups of blocks. The number of blocks in
-a group is based on the number of bits a block contains. The large a
-block the more blocks a group contains and the fewer groups in the
-file system.
-The following options are provided:
- at table @b
- at item -v
-Display configuration and progress of the format.
- at item -s
-Set the block size in bytes.
- at item -b
-The number of blocks in a group. The block count must be equal or less
-than the number of bits in a block.
- at item -i
-Number of inodes in a group. The inode count must be equal or less
-than the number of bits in a block.
- at item -I
-Initialise the inodes. The default is not to initialise the inodes and
-to rely on the inode being initialised when allocated. Initialising
-the inode table helps recovery if a problem appears.
- at item -o
-Integer percentage of the media used by inodes. The default is 1%.
- at item device
-Path of the device to format.
- at end table
+This command prints the fully qualified filename of the current
+working directory.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2397,107 +2513,69 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{mkrfs}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{pwd}:
-SHLL [/] $ mkrfs /dev/fdda
+SHLL [/] $ pwd
+SHLL [/] $ cd dev
+SHLL [/dev] $ pwd
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKRFS} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_PWD} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKRFS} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_PWD} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkrfs
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_pwd
-The @code{mkrfs} command is implemented by a C language function which
-has the following prototype:
+The @code{pwd} is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkrfs(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_pwd(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for @code{mkrfs} has the following
+The configuration structure for the @code{pwd} has the
+following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKRFS_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_PWD_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection debugrfs - debug RFS file system
+ at subsection rmdir - remove empty directories
- at pgindex debugrfs
+ at pgindex rmdir
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-debugrfs [-hl] path command [options]
+rmdir  [dir1 .. dirN]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-The command provides debugging information for the RFS file system.
-The options are:
- at table @b
- at item -h
-Print a help message.
- at item -l
-List the commands.
- at item path
-Path to the mounted RFS file system. The file system has to be mounted
-to view to use this command.
- at end table
-The commands are:
- at table @b
- at item block start [end]
-Display the contents of the blocks from start to end.
- at item data
-Display the file system data and configuration.
- at item dir bno
-Process the block as a directory displaying the entries.
- at item group start [end]
-Display the group data from the start group to the end group.
- at item inode [-aef] [start] [end]
-Display the inodes between start and end. If no start and end is
-provides all inodes are displayed.
- at table @b
- at item -a
-Display all inodes. That is allocated and unallocated inodes.
- at item -e
-Search and display on inodes that have an error.
- at item -f
-Force display of inodes, even when in error.
- at end table
- at end table
+This command removes the specified set of directories.  If no
+directories are provided on the command line, no actions are taken.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2505,70 +2583,80 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
+This command is a implemented using the @code{rmdir(2)} system
+call and all reasons that call may fail apply to this command.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{debugrfs}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{rmdir}:
-SHLL [/] $ debugrfs /c data
+SHLL [/] # mkdir joeldir
+SHLL [/] # rmdir joeldir
+SHLL [/] # ls joeldir
+joeldir: No such file or directory.
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RMDIR} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RMDIR} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_debugrfs
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_rmdir
-The @code{debugrfs} command is implemented by a C language function which
-has the following prototype:
+The @code{rmdir} is implemented by a C language function
+which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_debugrfs(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_rmdir(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for @code{debugrfs} has the following
+The configuration structure for the @code{rmdir} has the
+following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DEBUGRFS_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RMDIR_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection cd - alias for chdir
+ at subsection rm - remove files
- at pgindex cd
+ at pgindex rm
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-cd directory
+rm file1 [file2 ... fileN]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command is an alias or alternate name for the @code{chdir}.
-See @ref{File and Directory Commands chdir - change the current directory, cd}
-for more information.
+This command deletes a name from the filesystem.  If the specified file name
+was the last link to a file and there are no @code{open} file descriptor
+references to that file, then it is deleted and the associated space in
+the file system is made available for subsequent use.
+If the filename specified was the last link to a file but there
+are open file descriptor references to it, then the file will
+remain in existence until the last file descriptor referencing
+it is closed.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2580,75 +2668,72 @@ NONE
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{cd}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{rm}:
-SHLL [/] $ cd etc
-SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
-SHLL [/] $ cd /etc
-SHLL [/etc] $ pwd
-SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
-SHLL [/] $ pwd
-SHLL [/] $ cd etc
-SHLL [/etc] $ cd ..
-SHLL [/] $ pwd
+SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmpfile
+SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
+rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
+tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
+SHLL [/] # rm tmpfile
+SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
+cat: tmpfile: No such file or directory
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CD} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RM} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CD} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RM} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_cd
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_rm
-The @code{cd} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{rm} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cd(
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_rm(
   int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{cd} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{rm} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CD_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RM_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection df - display file system disk space usage
+ at subsection umask - set file mode creation mask
- at pgindex df
+ at pgindex umask
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-df [-h] [-B block_size]
+umask [new_umask]
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command print disk space usage for mounted file systems.
+This command sets the user file creation mask to @code{new_umask}.  The
+argument @code{new_umask} may be octal, hexadecimal, or decimal.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2656,78 +2741,73 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
+This command does not currently support symbolic mode masks.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{df}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{umask}:
-SHLL [/] $ df -B 4K
-Filesystem     4K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
-/dev/rda               124         1         124         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
-SHLL [/] $ df
-Filesystem     1K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
-/dev/rda               495         1         494         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
-SHLL [/] $ df -h
-Filesystem     Size             Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
-/dev/rda              495K        1K        494K         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
+SHLL [/] $ umask
+SHLL [/] $ umask 0666
+SHLL [/] $ umask
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DF} to have this
+ at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_UMASK} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DF} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UMASK} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_df
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_umask
-The @code{df} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{umask} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_main_df(
-  int argc,
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_umask(
+  int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{df} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{umask} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DF_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UMASK_Command;
 @end example
- at subsection md5 - compute the Md5 hash of a file or list of files
+ at subsection unmount - unmount disk
- at pgindex md5
+ at pgindex unmount
 @subheading SYNOPSYS:
-md5 <files>
+unmount path
 @end example
 @subheading DESCRIPTION:
-This command prints the MD5 of a file. You can provide one or more
-files on the command line and a hash for each file is printed in a
-single line of output.
+This command unmounts the device at the specified @code{path}.
 @subheading EXIT STATUS:
@@ -2735,48 +2815,47 @@ This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
 @subheading NOTES:
+TBD - Surely there must be some warnings to go here.
 @subheading EXAMPLES:
-The following is an example of how to use @code{md5}:
+The following is an example of how to use @code{unmount}:
-SHLL [/] $ md5 shell-init
-MD5 (shell-init) = 43b4d2e71b47db79eae679a2efeacf31
 @end example
 @subheading CONFIGURATION:
 This command is included in the default shell command set.
 When building a custom command set, define
- at code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MD5} to have this
 command included.
 This command can be excluded from the shell command set by
-defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MD5} when all
+defining @code{CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UNMOUNT} when all
 shell commands have been configured.
- at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_md5
+ at findex rtems_shell_rtems_main_unmount
-The @code{df} is implemented by a C language function
+The @code{unmount} is implemented by a C language function
 which has the following prototype:
-int rtems_shell_main_md5(
-  int argc,
+int rtems_shell_rtems_main_unmount(
+  int    argc,
   char **argv
 @end example
-The configuration structure for the @code{md5} has the
+The configuration structure for the @code{unmount} has the
 following prototype:
-extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MD5_Command;
+extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UNMOUNT_Command;
 @end example
-- (Apple Git-48)

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