Generalize _Cache_manager_Send_smp_msg()
Sebastian Huber
sebastian.huber at
Wed Sep 17 06:18:15 UTC 2014
the function _Cache_manager_Send_smp_msg() is currently implemented in the BSP
specific domain and not available for all BSPs. This leads currently to build
errors. One hack to solve this problem exists:
Since the functionality provided by _Cache_manager_Send_smp_msg() is useful for
other use cases (e.g. MMU maintenance operations) it should be generalized to
something like:
typedef struct SMP_Barrier_operation_node SMP_Barrier_operation_node;
typedef void ( *SMP_Barrier_operation )( SMP_Barrier_operation_node *node );
typedef struct {
Chain_Node Node;
SMP_Barrier_operation operation
cpu_set_t *recipients;
size_t setsize;
Atomic_Ulong done;
} SMP_Barrier_operation_node;
void _SMP_Barrier_operation( SMP_Barrier_operation_node *node );
Specializations can use something like:
typedef struct {
SMP_Barrier_operation_node Node;
some_type more_data;
} specialization_node;
Currently we have:
const size_t setsize,
const cpu_set_t *set,
Cache_manager_Function_ptr func,
const void * addr,
size_t size
uint32_t i;
Cache_manager_SMP_node node;
size_t set_size = CPU_ALLOC_SIZE( _SMP_Get_processor_count() );
char cpu_set_copy[set_size];
SMP_lock_Context lock_context;
if ( ! _System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() ) ) {
func( addr, size );
So in the ! _System_state_Is_up( _System_state_Get() ) case there is no send.
This is not what a user expects from this function. One option is to add the
SMP message processing to the per-CPU state wait for change loop
This can be used to avoid the special case _LEON3_Start_multitasking() function.
In case a processor not available to the application is set in the recipients,
then _Cache_manager_Send_smp_msg() waits forever. This function should ignore
unavailable processors. This is what the other processor set dependent
functions do (e.g. rtems_task_set_affinity()). There should be a test case for
Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH
Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail : sebastian.huber at
PGP : Public key available on request.
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