[PATCH 1,2,3] Add STM32F4 and F7 BSP

Isaac Gutekunst isaac.gutekunst at vecna.com
Thu Dec 17 19:34:55 UTC 2015

Hi All,

We are ready to get the STM32F4 and STM32F7 BSPs out.

They both work and have been tested, and pass a majority of the test cases. We are aware there 
are likely many issues that need to be resolved in order to get this int mainline. Despite 
having existing obligations, we'll be able to dedicate several hours each week address code 

We can provide an updated configuration file for running the test cases against a remote GDB 
server. We've done testing using J-Links as the debug probe.

As you've probably seen, there are issues with lwip that have not been resolved.

If anyone out there is interested, we may be able to provide you with a STM32F4-Discovery or 
STM32F7-Discovery board. Please contact me off list if you are interested.


Isaac Gutekunst
Embedded Systems Software Engineer
isaac.gutekunst at vecna.com
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