GSoC Raspberry pi 2 project

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Mar 23 14:46:49 UTC 2015


Weekends tend to be slow around here.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Rohini Kulkarni <krohini1593 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know what is the current work going on for Raspberry pi 2 support?
The BSP can be run, but there are performance problems with it,
indicating the cache configuration is wrong.

> The projects looks towards implementing arm architecture support, cache
> configuration and enabling SMP support. These are all parts of the Raspberry
> pi 2 BSP right? What work has already been done for the support.
So far the RPi2 only works on a single core. Getting it to work well
on all 4-cores is the goal. Then you can consider stretch goals that
could be optional, for example if there are peripherals available on
rpi2 that aren't on rpi, or to do something else with SMP-support.

> Thanks!
> On 21 Mar 2015 10:40, "Rohini Kulkarni" <krohini1593 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I had a look at updated the project groups for raspberry pi improvements for
> my proposal. Because I had not tracked the page for a few days I was not
> aware that the Raspberry pi 2 support tasks had been defined.
> As I had also asked about SMP support earlier, this projects interests me
> more.
> Yes, I am new to bringing up an architecture support. Is the project
> considered suitable for somebody new to rtems.
This is a suitable project.

> I want to prepare a draft proposal soon so that it can be reviewed in time.
> How can I get an idea about the time requirements in order to do my
> proposal? Some references to start with would be useful to know the current
> status. Also level of familiarity required and other requirements for
> implementation.
Estimating time is hard. I'd recommend working out what needs to be
done first, and we can try to help you decide if you proposed too much
or too little. It would be good for you to study some of the other SMP
targets, especially the ARM ones, and to see what SMP-support is
required at the BSP level. I think some of this info is available in
the documentation, but you might have to hunt for the info because SMP
is still quite new in RTEMS.

> Thanks!
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