Untar pending changes - Was: Cutting 4.11.0 Soon

Pavel Pisa ppisa4lists at pikron.com
Thu Nov 19 15:56:28 UTC 2015

Hello Chris,

On Wednesday 18 of November 2015 23:15:12 Chris Johns wrote:
> On 19/11/2015 8:39 AM, Pavel Pisa wrote:
> > The patch is important for unpacking standard tar command generated
> > archives used for example by some of Microwindows tests.
> I do not think the patch is enough. For example on OS X:
> $ rm -rf x && mkdir x && mkdir x/1 && touch x/1/1 touch x/2 && tar cf
> t1.tar x
> $ rm -rf x && mkdir x && mkdir x/2 && touch x/2/1 touch x/1 && tar cf
> t2.tar x
> $ rm -rf x && tar xf t1.tar && tar xf t2.tar
> x/1: Can't remove already-existing dir
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
> and on FreeBSD:
> $ rm -rf x && mkdir x && mkdir x/1 && touch x/1/1 touch x/2 && tar cf
> t1.tar x
> $ rm -rf x && mkdir x && mkdir x/2 && touch x/2/1 touch x/1 && tar cf
> t2.tar x
> $ rm -rf x && tar xf t1.tar && tar xf t2.tar
> x/1: Can't replace existing directory with non-directory
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
> I think we need to add more checking and error if nodes are not the
> same. I cannot see a way around this.
> The current implementation is overly cautious and it has made me move
> away a direction and untar a fresh image. In the end I think it is
> better as stray files do not hang around. I would rather we handle the
> special cases correctly or not at all.

I am not sure if I understand to your reply right.

Actual situation is that Untar_FromFile() ignores mkdir() error.
Untar_FromMemory() and rtems_tarfs_load() fails if there are directory
or file in a way.

My proposal is to allow previous existence of directory at a path
which is specified as a directory in a TAR file. At least this is intention
of the patch


If patch is applied then preceding existence of other than directory
object on the path specified by TAR archive would lead to consistent untar
fail in all cases. On the other hand, it is allowed that directory already
exists in place where they would be created by untar.
This behavior should be compatible with POSIX notation.
There is question, if ownership and mode should be updated in such
case but RTEMS did not care about these information stored in
TAR till now.

rtems_tarfs_load() seems take little care about operation
result for case of regular file (linkflag == REGTYPE). It tries
to free location and then map content without copying. (Nice feature
for liked in TAR.) But problem to free or create new
node is ignored silently. I am not sure if rtems_filesystem_location_free()
could remove directory subree if it is in a way of regular file.
Problem to create symlink is reported.

rtems_tarfs_load() can target only IMFS and from data stored in memory
which stay constant for whole life of FS.
Other untar implementations are generic utilities without this
limitation but the copy allocate memory and are much more memory hungry
when compared with above IMFS special case.

These other implementations use creat() and fopen(.., "w")
for regular files. Untar_FromFile() is silent in the case of file creation
problem. Untar_FromMemory() stops and reports error in case of problem
to create file. Symlinks creation problems are silently ignored.

The problem that tar containing "/" or "./" directory entries
leads to permanent fail is what I stubled over in our projects.

Please, describe what do you prefer and if something should
be done for 4.11 or only master should be considered.



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