How will user's compile with Makefiles? Was: Re: large bss size for sample applications

Peter Dufault dufault at
Thu Oct 1 21:59:05 UTC 2015

Chris, Makefile isn’t custom support, it’s legacy support.  For better or for worse, if you add barriers to Makefiles you raise eyebrows in the legacy community.  They can understand an effort to adapt from BSD make to GNU make, but a lack of Makefile support is a check-box not checked.  I don’t know of any other build systems that have the footprint of “make”.

Yes, the twisty auto* mess is a mess, but it does promise Makefile support.

If you think time has passed this issue by I’d like to know, I don’t think it has.

> On Oct 1, 2015, at 16:27 , Chris Johns <chrisj at> wrote:
> Where does this leave other build systems? What if each build system's
> users start to request custom support? Allowing custom support adds an
> extra burden to the RTEMS maintainers to make sure no one breaks. RTEMS
> developers are not build system experts so this just dilutes our
> efforts. We need to find a suitable middle ground for everyone.

Peter Dufault
HD Associates, Inc.      Software and System Engineering

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